Tarleton Community Primary School

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Welcome to Piccolos

Welcome to our fantastic team which consists of 34 ambitious, resilient learners, who are not afraid to make mistakes and rise to every challenge and 2 class teachers - Mrs Parkinson and Mrs Higson. Our wonderful Learning Support Assistant, who is with us every day, is Mrs Charnock. Many other lovely adults work with us at various times of the week including Mrs Wren, Mrs Darby, Miss Latham, Miss Iddon and Mrs Brown.

Teaching and learning is approached in a way that many different areas of the curriculum are connected using a common theme. Each half term will see the start of a new theme.

We are very much looking forward to a fun, exciting and happy year....


Click here for our Key Learning.

HOME LEARNING - Maths & English

Please click on the folders below to access the worksheets and answers for Summer Week 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8,9,10, 11 and 12 of White Rose Maths home learning for both year 3 and year 4.

Also click on the folder to access resources and activities linked to the books 'Treasure's Island' and 'Alien Hotel' which we are reading on Purple Mash - Serial Mash.

English - Treasure's Island


English - Alien Hotel


Maths - Year 3 


Maths - Year 4 


Spring 2

World Maths Day

We've had lots of fun with numbers today! We looked at different ways of representing numbers using words, digits, operations and manipulatives. We each made a 'numberpus' monster which demonstrated our understanding. We also manipulated a set of 20 (0-9) digit cards to generate five 4-digit numbers according to given criteria. The children could only use each digit once in each number - we found this very challenging! To finish, we calculated missing numbers on pyramids and investigated how the totals of each pyramid changed depending on where the digits 1-4 were placed on the bottom row. 

World Book Day 

We all entered the classroom in the morning, imagining that we had entered the circus. The children were given a special ticket and helped themselves to freshly made popcorn. We read the book 'Leon and the Place Between' - A story about what happens to Leon when he goes to the circus and volunteers to be in Abdul Kazam's magic show. He is transported to a mysterious, exotic world, called the 'Place Between'. This is a world alive with magic and filled with rabbits, playing cards, doves, coins and even a magician's assistant!
We had lots of fun creating 3D worlds of the 'Place Between' using a variety of materials. We also did some excellent writing about the setting using our senses. We sequenced events in the story and created a story map using symbols and re-told the story using adverbials. We had such an exciting day!!

Lancashire Mind

We welcomed Lancashire Mind who have started a new initiative called ’Happier Lancashire’. This is a new movement to boost happiness across the county by increasing awareness of the 5 Ways to well-being - Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning and Give. The children have benefitted from a workshop to discuss how important mental well-being is and things they can do to help themselves and others achieve this.

Passport to Europe

In this theme, we will be using maps to locate continents and identifying the countries that form Europe. We will be focusing on a region in a European country - Paris in France. We will explore similarities and differences between Paris and regions of the UK. We will be developing our ability to describe and understand key aspects of: physical geography, including: climate zones, vegetation belts, rivers, mountains and human geography, including: types of settlement and land use, economic activity including trade links, and the distribution of natural resources including energy, food, minerals and water. We will also be designing, making and evaluating a passport holder in DT. 


Spring 1

This year the focus of Safer Internet Day is online identity and asking young people to consider whether they and their peers are truly free to be themselves online. We explored what is meant by the term 'identity' and the children described aspects of their own online identity. We thought about which aspects of our identity we should share and whether this should be in private or public domains. We designed our own avatars which we felt represented who we are and expressed our qualities so we can be 'free to be me' online. We discussed various scenarios and decided which showed positive examples of being 'free to be me' and which were an unacceptable use of online freedom. We explored what action we could take if someone was being mean or hurtful to us online. We know how important it is to talk to a trusted adult about anything that upsets us. 

During our theme this half term, we will be learning about the digestive system and modelling how it works. We will be finding out about different types of teeth and their functions, investigating what damages teeth and thinking about how to look after them. We will also be exploring food chains. In art, we will be exploring examples of still life and drawing a range of fruit and vegetables. Using papier-mache, we will be sculpting pieces of fruit to make our own class fruit bowl sculpture. 



Autumn 2

Enterprise Project

Following a very interesting presentation from Jenny Bird about how to start up a business, we designed, made and evaluated Christmas tree decorations to sell at our Christmas Fayre. We researched products on the market and decided to make natural wood slice decorations. We made posters to advertise our decorations and made company logos. We were very successful in selling our decorations - we made 96 and sold almost all of them.

The Great Plague

Our theme for this half term is the Great Plague which affected London during 1665-1666. We will explore the reasons why it spread so quickly and examine sources of evidence to determine what measures were put in place to prevent infection. We will reflect upon the huge sacrifices made by the people of Eyam in Derbyshire to stop the spread of the plague beyond the village. In English, we are analysing and discussing the fairy tale - 'The Pied Piper of Hamelin'. We will be writing our own stories and newspaper articles based on this and will be performing the narrative poem. In Art, linking to our learning in History, we will be exploring the use of the image of the skull and develop our ability to make a series of drawings using a full range of media.

In Geography, we will be will learning about the importance of taking care of the environment. We will explore issues around litter and waste e.g. damage to the environment; reducing the level of resource use; and reuse, as well as recycling, of resources. 

Trip to Southport Eco Centre

To support our theme work this term, we visited Southport Eco Centre to learn about a wide range of energy sources. The children looked at their own energy consumption, its impact on our environment and how to reduce it. We thought about what more we could do to reduce our waste. Through interactive, hands-on activities, including in-house digital games, we discovered how big our waste footprint can be in the 21st century. Our views about how much waste we generate were challenged and we explored new technologies that enable better, innovative waste management. We had a fabulous day!

Remembrance Week 

This year, we have focused on VE day and some of the key events of WW2. We learnt about the Blitz and created striking pieces of artwork depicting the night skyline at this time. We thought about how it felt to be a child during WW2 and what it was like to take cover in an Anderson Shelter, writing diary entries in role to describe this.

We reflected on the immense sacrifices people made during the war and the bravery of the soldiers pushed back onto the beaches of Dunkirk. We made origami boats to represent the little ships that left Dover to help rescue those stranded. 

We explored why VE day was such a celebration and wrote Winston Churchill's speech to mark this day. We also looked at Lowry's VE Day celebration painting and discussed the lively atmosphere of the scene amidst the industrial buildings before recreating the picture ourselves on a bigger scale. 

Autumn 1

Sparks Might Fly

This half term, we will be thinking about what we use electricity for, where it comes from - developing the understanding that it can be dangerous and exploring renewable forms of energy. We are looking forward to undertaking a range of electricity challenges, learning how to make circuits with different electrical components. We will be using our knowledge to design, make and evaluate an electrical product. In English, we are reading 'The Firework Maker's Daughter' by Phillip Pullman and we will be writing our own stories and play-scripts based on this novel. 

World Mental Health & Well-being Day - 10.10.19

Today, we reflected on lots of different things that we could do to help us have healthy minds and feel good about ourselves if we were ever feeling low. We all wore yellow to support Young Minds and we had lots of fun! We played 'Well-being Bingo' to see how many things we did in the last week that we enjoyed. We made a '12 Days of Happiness' calendar and behind each door we listed an activity that could help us or someone else feel better. We designed mental health heroes and undertook mindful colouring. We practised 'feather breathing' and shared our own tips for relaxing and meditating. 


Science Day - 10.9.19

What a fantastic way to start the new school year! We thoroughly enjoyed developing our scientific enquiry skills through a range of exciting activities. We were joined by a bio-medical scientist from Salford University who began the day with an explosive (literally) assembly. He worked with us to make ice-cream using liquid nitrogen!! We even flavoured and coloured it - red in appearance with a caramel flavour. It was delicious!! We used his special microscopes that he'd brought with him from the University so we could magnify the different things we found outside. We also investigated the properties and density of different liquids and created a colour column of liquids based on what we'd predicted would happen. We love Science!!!