Tarleton Community Primary School

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Reading to Write -Text Types at TCP


At TCP we understand the importance of reading quality texts in order to write effectively. 

Texts and films from a range of genre and cultures have been carefully chosen to stimulate enthusiasm and develop a life long love of reading and writing. Read Write Perform Units have been embedded in our curriculum to encourage creativity and ensure that writing for a purpose is at the heart of teaching and learning.

All texts have been linked to our whole school curriculum drivers of Digitally Safe and Savvy, Active Lifestyles, Equality and Diversity, Community, Arts and Environment so that our values are central to our curriculum.


At Tarleton Community Primary we follow the ‘I am a Clever Writer’ approach to teaching writing initially as a response to the impact of COVID lockdown on attainment in writing.

‘I am a Clever Writer’ is not a scheme as it uses AFL to inform all teaching and planning.

‘I am a Clever Writer’ Progression Documents unpick the vague National Curriculum Statements and identify the precise, intricate, vital steps that a child needs in order to make progress in their writing

We make every lesson count.

Our well trained staff use AFL to identify which skills need to be consolidated and (after referring to the Progression of Skills Document) which new skills need to be introduced to ensure the children make progress. 

  • Genre

‘The 2014 national curriculum does not require pupils to be taught to write particular genres or text types.’

(Research Review Series: English, Published 23rd May, 2022).

At TCP we choose the most appropriate genre to facilitate the teaching of the new skills and where possible make meaningful links with the wider curriculum. Most sequences of learning will usually take no longer than a week (or two in upper KS 2). Year 5 and 6 may take a little longer. The genres and skills are mapped out over the school year on our bespoke Writing Spine ( please contact school to see our detailed overviews)

  • The Writing Process

Model Text – Teachers create a piece of writing that gives the children a clear picture of what is expected by the end of the week. The Model Text is shared with the class every day and will precisely show what they are aiming for. Having a clear shared outcome makes it is easier to break down the steps and ensures the children get there. Teachers use this opportunity to pre teach new vocabulary and to illustrate how the new skill should be incorporated

We make every lesson count and always move the learning on. We break the end piece of work down into achievable steps for the children. If teaching them a brand-new skill, we give the children the opportunity to concentrate solely on that skill within the context of the stimulus and genre before layering with previously taught skills.

  • Working Walls

Through-out our school Working Walls are an imperative part of the learning journey and are created during the week displaying high level vocabulary, a range of openers and the skills the class are working on. It is essential that the wall is interactive and is produced as a result of class discussion.                   

  • Clever Writer Checklist

New skills will be shared on the Clever Writer Checklist and this will be displayed in the classroom. New skills will be added throughout the year, allowing children to always embed previously taught skills alongside new skills. The Checklists are then passed to the next teacher to aid transition and continue progress.

The ‘I am a Clever Writer checklist’ ensures that the children know exactly what they need to include in their writing to be successful. It empowers children and becomes their menu for writing. The children will always be able to verbalise their success criteria and will always be able to discuss the progress that they have made. It also ensures the writing in topic books / Science books / RE books is at the same standard as their English Books.

  • Independent work

‘For expertise to develop, pupils will benefit from direct instruction and modelling, followed by extensive, deliberate practice until they are fluent. Effective practice may consist of short, focused tasks, interspersed with feedback, before pupils apply what they have learned to their independent writing.’

(Research Review Series: English, Published 23rd May, 2022).

At TCP we believe that children need to write frequently, practising newly taught skills and embedding previously taught skills in a context relevant to the genre and stimulus. If children don’t write frequently they don’t have the opportunity to use and further embed their skills. Opportunities for independent writing should take place for at least 4 times a week. During independent writing Success Criteria and working walls are available for the children, but scribing should not take place. The Model Text must not be on display during the independent writing.

  • Handwriting

Time must be given to practice and perfect handwriting to ensure children go beyond accuracy to fluency in letter formation. As stated in the English Review (May 2022) it is imperative that children correctly learn unjoined handwriting before using some of the diagonal and horizontal strokes that are needed to join letters.

The national curriculum specifies that children should be taught to correctly form letters of the correct size and orientation. This requires effort and attention, as well as suitable motor skills. There is evidence that repeated practice in handwriting is necessary to go beyond accuracy to fluency in letter formation.  At TCP we follow Letter-join to a teach fluent, cursive script.

  • Spelling

Despite a piece of work containing all the appropriate skills, it will not be deemed an Age Related piece of work if spelling is not to standard. Within the week, designated time will be given to dictation activities to enable children to practice and apply their spelling knowledge. At TCP we use No Nonsense Spelling to teach spelling from Y2 through to Y6.

‘Dictation gives children opportunities to practise and apply their spelling knowledge and segmenting skills, without having to compose sentences by themselves. It requires them to distinguish between the sounds they hear in order to choose the correct graphemes to represent the sounds and to form the letters correctly.’

(Research Review Series: English, Published 23rd May, 2022).

Please find our curriculum below

Showing 1-5 of 5
  • Assessment

Each day our Teachers look at all work at the end of the lesson, assess the work against the Success Criteria and identify misconceptions and areas for development. Misconceptions will inform the teaching for the next day. Marking will be in line with the marking policy.

At the end of the week / sequence of learning, an independent, extended piece of writing (Star Write) will bring skills and improvements together. This will provide children with time to really show off what they have learned. It’s also fantastic evidence of progress when compared with how they started the unit and demonstrate what they’re capable of.  In a six-week half term it is expected that at least four-Star Writes will take place. Teachers record the attainment of children each week on TCP Writing Assessment documents kept in the back of the child’s English book.