Tarleton Community Primary School

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In Year 1 you will find 23 enthusiastic, kind, smiling, hard working superheroes!

Our teacher this year is Mrs Marshall. Our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Taylor and Mrs Bridge. In our class you will also meet Mrs Wright every Wednesday afternoon.

We are developing a Growth mindset and our motto this year is ''We believe'. We are not afraid to make mistakes as we know we can learn from them. We believe anything is possible and in Cellos class we are all Superhero learners. 

We always start our busy day with a English and Maths morning challenge to get ourselves ready for learning, our Fluent in 5 questions.

 We appreciate all the support from parents and grandparents who help us practice our spellings and hear us read so we can become even cleverer!

Our PE lessons are on a Wednesday and we have swimming lessons on a Friday morning. 


To find our Key Learning documents please click here.

To find our Theme overview please click here.


Home Learning Week 13


Resources for The Bear and the Magic Pencil. Week commencing 6.7.20 and 13.7.20

Parent folder
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Home learning Week 12


Home learning Week 11


Home learning Maths week 10


Home learning Maths week 9


Home learning Maths week 8


Home learning Maths week 7

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Home learning maths week 4


Home learning resources week 3


Spring Term


Number and Place Value


Farmyard theme


We read the story Farmer Duck. We role played, used small world, dressed up and asked and answered questions pretending to be the characters. Then we wrote our own brilliant stories in the style of Farmer Duck. 

Our Moon Buggies

As part of our theme topic ‘Explorers’, we made moon buggies for our Design and Technology.



Happy Easter


During our time having to do home schooling, we made great Easter pictures at home to cheer everyone up. 


Outdoor Adventurous Activities 


We enjoyed our OAA sessions with Mr Taylor from WLSP.  We learnt compass points, built dens, learnt how to orienteer using maps, all working as a team.



World Book Day


We enjoyed World Book Day and we all looked fantastic in our costumes. All our work on the day was based around the book ‘Winnie the Witch’. We made magic wands, made and drank magic potions and enjoyed sharing stories with our mums and dads. 

Safer Internet Day



The theme for Safer Internet Day this year was 'Free to be me'. We made posters to show the children's identity online and offline, they created themselves an avatar for their online profile picture. Throughout the day we discussed the importance of keeping your personal information safe online. We read the story 'Digiduck's Famous Friend', this story reinforced the importance of keeping personal information safe as well as explaining that people online are strangers. The children all know that they should never tell anyone online their name, address, age, D.O.B, family information, phone numbers, passwords or where they go to school. They know they must ask an adult before using the Internet and if they are worried, concerned or need help they must ask a trusted adult.

We also gave advise to Red Riding Hood, Cinderella and other characters about keeping safe online!  


Eco's Australia Day

The Eco team organised an Australia day to raise money to support the WWF. 

We enjoyed taking part in a Bush Tucker Trial, we had to put our hands in mystery boxes to find stars. Yucky!



We are enjoying our Gymnastics this half term, we are improving our balances and learning to roll. 




Our theme this half term is 'Explorers'. We have been enjoying learning about Christopher Columbus so far and are looking forward to learning all about Neil Armstrong. In our role play we are 'Polar Explorers' which is lots of fun. For one of our Finger Gym activities we are enjoying making our own star constellations. 


We made Christopher Columbus's ship the Santa Maria using junk modelling. It was lots of fun and they all look very impressive.

We have been fascinated learning about the famous American astronaut, Neil Armstrong. We wrote facts that we have learnt about him on his footprint on the moon.

We are working hard on writing our own non-fiction book all about Neil Armstrong.



In our RE unit this half term we were learning all about how Jewish people celebrate Shabbat and Passover. We enjoyed role playing the Shabbat meal and tasting Challah bread. 


Autumn Term




We have enjoyed our Christmas party, Christmas lunch and coming to school wearing our Christmas jumpers. Our visit from Father Christmas at our party was very special and exciting. We sang brilliantly in our Nativity, 'Angel Express' where we were the choir for the Year 2 actors. 


Enterprise Week

Our class company is called 'Bells and Bows'. We have been busy making wildlife and environmentally friendly reindeer food, recycled ribbon tree decorations as well as our scrabble letter hanging decorations. We successfully pitched our company to Mr Upton to secure our funding.

We have made this fantastic video to advertise our company and products!



Autumn 2 - Fighting Fit


As part of our theme work 'Fighting Fit' we have been learning about medicine safety. We used our Doctor's Role Play area to emphasize the importance of getting a prescription for medicine from your doctor, making sure your name is on the medicine and taking the right amount of medicine. We know only adults we can trust should give us medicine. We also know too much medicine can be dangerous and not to take someone else's medicine. 


We have also been learning the importance of washing our hands and how to wash them properly. We played 'Pass the germ' to realise how easily germs can spread. When we caught the germ we had to sit out of the game and the last person left was the healthiest. We enjoyed playing germ snakes and ladders.


NSPCC Obstacle course


School Council organised a Wear Green day and an obstacle course for the whole school to raise money for the NSPCC. We enjoyed doing our obstacle course outside in our Year 1 area. 



Remembrance Week

We have enjoyed an informative week learning about World War 1 and World War 2 and the importance of wearing poppies to remember the soldiers. The children came to school in fantastic evacuee costumes and showed great empathy for what it must have been like for the children in WW2. The children also learnt about VE Day, enjoying their own street party. We had brilliant writing as a result of remembrance week along with great role playing. The children re-enacted being evacuated and pretended to be Winston Churchill giving the end of war speech that they wrote themselves. 


Countryfile Ramble

We all enjoyed our Countryfile Ramble to Carr Lane woods with our families. We were raising sponsor money for Children in Need. We also enjoyed hunting for acorns and leaves. We hid a book in the woods for the children of Tarleton to find as part of ‘Look for a book’. It was a fun and muddy afternoon!


Hello Yellow


For our Hello Yellow day we discussed our emotions and feelings, so we can recognise if we have good feelings or bad feelings. We know we need to talk to a trusted adult if we are feeling sad. We talked about what makes us feel happy and what we like about ourselves. We listened to a story called ‘My Strong Mind’, where the girl in the story realised that you have to tackle difficult situations using a strong mind and a positive attitude. We began making our Well-being advent calendar. We finished with some calming and relaxing breathing exercises and some fun Yoga positions. 

Science Day

We really enjoyed our Science day. The whole class looked fantastic dressed up in their Sciente costumes. We enjoyed making bubble snakes and blowing bubbles. During the day we enjoyed lots of experiments. 

New Beginnings 

We enjoyed a team hula hoop challenge as part of our PSHE work in our first week in Year 1. We had to hold hands in a circle and pass the hoop around without letting go of our hands. We showed great team work, determination and patience. We were so good we even managed 2 hoops being passed around at the same time!


In Maths we are learning all about Place Value. We are having lots of fun and learning lots. 

Mellors Big Red Bus

On Monday we loved having our lunch on the double decker bus.