Tarleton Community Primary School

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pe and school sport 

2024 - 2025

At TCP, we want our children to enjoy being active in a variety of ways so that they develop skills and find sports and activities that they love in order to be active and healthy through their lives.  These may be competitive or non-competitive and we provide opportunities through our PE Curriculum, intra school festivals and inter school competitions.  This leads to incredible opportunities to access sport including swimming, quidditch, boxercise, cycling, fishing, orienteering, football, den building, netball, scooting, cricket, cross country, athletics, yoga, gymnastics and forest school to name but a few! 

To find out more, please see our PE & Sport Premium Strategy below: 

Girls Football

Our Year 5 & 6 Girls football squad enjoyed participating in a 3 week tournament organised by South Ribble. The tournament was played at a high standard and all our girls played with determination, enjoyment and TEAM TCP spirit!  Some players had not played school football before or even in a football team. We improved week on week. We were proud of every single player!

TASA Cricket

Our Year 6 Cricket team had a fun afternoon in the sun at Tarleton Cricket Club for a tournament organised by TASA. They finished 2nd overall, which was an excellent achievement.  

Cricket Festival

Pupils from Year 2 to Year 6 further developed their Cricket skills by participating in a Cricket Festival led by South Ribble. 

TASA Netball

Our fantastic Year 6 squad won the TASA Bee Stingers Netball tournament held at Tarleton Academy. We won all our games. Well done TEAM TCP!

TASA Orienteering

A group of Year 5 & 6 pupils enjoyed Orienteering at Rock and River as organised by TASA. Great team work skills and map reading was needed! Connie and Flynn were the first pair back! 

TASA Swimming Gala

Lots of Gold, Silver and Bronze medals were won by our Year 5 & 6 swimmers at the TASA Swimming Gala. The children thrived swimming in the fantastic facilities at Edge Hill University. We saw great individual and team races from all children. Well done TEAM TCP!

TASA Dengineers

A group of Year 3 pupils enjoyed den building at Rock and River as part of a TASA event. They worked well as a team and built a successful, strong, waterproof effective den. 

KS1 Scavenger Hunt

Great fun was had by all our little Scavenger Hunters in Mere Sands Woods. Six children from KS1 participated in the TASA Scavenger Hunt and it even stopped raining for us! We spotted lots of interesting things and all collected a magic wand on our hunt. The children managed to spot and find lots including slugs, worms, robins, daffodils, moss and fungi. As well as playing some team games, hearing lots of birds and enjoying the fresh air!


On International Women's Day, TCP were proud to be a part of WLSP's Biggest ever girl's football event to get as many girls playing football today as possible. Seven girls from Year 5 & 6 enjoyed playing in 5 a side friendly matches.  

Yoga Festival

All pupils from Nursery to Year 6 enjoyed a calming, relaxing session of Yoga led by Tanya from South Ribble. 

 Key Stage 1 Sports Hall Athletics

Eight Key Stage 1 pupils enjoyed the opportunity to participate in the TASA Sports Hall Athletics at Tarleton Academy. The children all took part in multiple relay races including sprint and an obstacle race. There was also standing long jump, speed bounce and javelin for the children to try. We were incredibly proud of all the pupils who participated. #TEAM TCP!

TASA Dodgeball Tournament

We participated in our first Dodgeball tournament organised by TASA at Tarleton Academy. We took a team of eight Year 3 and 4 pupils to the event. They put their new skills learnt from our Dodgeball festival to the test! They showed great team spirit, determination and everyone's skills and tactics improved throughout the tournament. Well done!

Sports Hall Athletics

Eighteen of our Year 5 & 6 athletes participated in a Sports hall Athletics event at Penwortham Priory organised by South Ribble. The children enjoyed track and field events including triple jump, long jump, javelin, vertical jump and many types of relay races. All the children were awesome and well behaved. We were very proud of them all!

Dodgeball Festival

All children from Reception to Year 6 enjoyed a Dodgeball Festival today led by Andy from South Ribble. Apart from balls flying everywhere all the children had lots of fun!  The younger children played dodgeball for the first time and the older children improved their skills and enjoyed playing in a tournament.


All of our Year 5 pupils have now been trained as Sports Leaders to support Key Stage 1 children be more physically active at lunchtimes. All the children were brilliant in training and inspired to be great leaders. We therefore now have all Year 6 and 5 trained up and operating on a Rota system at lunchtimes. Some Year 1 children enjoyed being the guinea pigs in their training sessions. 

Platinum Award!

We have earnt the Platinum award from the School Games this year, after earning Gold for the last 4 years. A fantastic achievement! Our Year 5 Sport Council members proudly collected our award!

TASA Composite Relays

24 KS2 pupils proudly represented TCP in the TASA Composite Relays. They all ran brilliantly, with one of our boys teams finishing in 5th place. 

TASA Football Tournament

Our football squad enjoyed playing in the local TASA football tournament at Hesketh Bank FC. We played some brilliant football and our keeper made some outstanding saves. We finished 4th in the tournament. We were proud to play with girls in our squad as we have recently signed the pledge committing ourselves to further develop girls football and enable them to access more opportunities to play football.

Basketball Festival

All classes from Year 1 to Year 6 participated in our first festival of this academic year, led by South Ribble. The Basketball Festival helped teach some new skills and further develop prior skills. All children enjoyed this opportunity. 

 2022 - 2023

The Sports Premium Funding is additional funding given to schools to ensure that all pupils receive high quality PE and out of hours school sport. At TCP, we believe the strategies should impact on the children so that they develop skills and confidence as well as having a range of opportunities to enjoy sport and most importantly to be active and healthy both now and in the future.  We therefore evaluate our strategy against the following key performance indicators:


Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity.

Key indicator 2: The profile of sport and PE is raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement.

Key indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport.

Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and physical activities offered to all pupils.

Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport.


To find out more about what we spent the Sports Premium on last year and what the impact was, as well as what we are spending the funding on this year, please see the document below:

Why not see what we've been up to?


We participated in the WLSP TASAlympics at Edge Hill University. We enjoyed sprint, long distance, standing long jump and vertex howler throw, along with team relays. The children loved the opportunity to experience a real athletics track. Well done to Bryony and Roman who both won Gold in the individuals overall! Our UKS2 team came 2nd place. 


We were fortunate to go and watch a Cricket match at Carr Lane, where the Under 13s Lancashire girls team were playing. A fantastic opportunity!


Be sure to check out our new dance to “Sunlight” by the Magician ft Years & Years. This song made us all feel like sunshine! We can’t wait to share it with you.

Year 3 and 4 loved Miss Orritt’s first dance after school club. They practised and performed a dance to ‘Blinding Lights’ by The Weeknd. Here are a few photos and a video to enjoy!

Year 4 Residential to Borwick Hall

Year 4 enjoyed a fantastic residential to Borwick Hall. This was an active residential where all the children participated in canoeing, climbing, bouldering and rocky rambling. Many of the children experienced these activities for the first time. They all showed determination and perseverance. Hopefully the children have found a new sport they would like to pursue but they all definitely feel proud of their acheivements. 

Football Tournament

Our Year 5&6 football team enjoyed a great afternoon playing in the WLSP tournament at the JMO. They all played brilliantly and made us proud. They finished third in their group.

Girls Football

Our Year 5 & 6 Girls Football Team played in a WLSP tournament. We were superbly proud of them all as we reached the finals and finished runners up! Well done girls. #TEAMTCP!

Muddy Woody Cross Country

Well done to our brilliant Muddy Woody runners! It was fantastic to see so many of our pupils participating in the Cross Country at Carr Lane, which was indeed very muddy! Our Year 5&6 boys team won Gold in the large schools. The Year 5&6 girls and Year 3&4 boys also won team silver. We are very proud of you all.

Winning the Swimming Gala!

We proudly won the Large Schools TASA swimming gala at Edge Hill University. Well done to our fantastic swim team from Years 5 & 6. Go TEAM TCP!


We are thoroughly enjoying our Yoga sessions with Elly from Yogibears and WLSP. All classes from Tiny Treasures to Year 6 are experiencing Yoga this half term. Great for mindfulness and relaxation.

Paralympic Games Festival

All the children Year 1 to Year 6 enjoyed the fantastic opportunity of learning some Paralympic Games led by South Ribble.  The children learnt how to play Kurling, Blindfolded Goal Ball  and Boccia whilst sitting down. 

Dance Festival

All the children enjoyed participating in a Dance Festival led by South Ribble. The children had great fun learning their choreography. 

School Games Gold award

Our two Year 5 Sport Council members enjoyed being presented with our School Games Gold award for our commitment to Sport throughout 2021 & 2022 at Ormskirk Cricket club. They met Lancashire and England professional Cricketer, George Lavelle too which was a real privilege!

World Gymnastics

What an amazing day! A fantastic opportunity for 18 of our Year 5 & 6 pupils to watch professional men gymnasts qualifying for the World Championships in Liverpool. Team GB were brilliant. We were lucky enough to have our photo taken with the Team GB ladies gymnasts. Mrs M and Mrs B were also impressed to meet and have a photo with Beth Tweddle, however the children were unfamiliar with who she was (we showed our age!) A day to remember!

KS1 World Cup

Eight Year 1 & 2 pupils went to JMO at Skelmersdale to celebrate the upcoming FIFA World Cup. They had a great time further developing their skills and playing some matches. All the squad showed brilliant team spirit, skill and enthusiasm. 

TASA Football league

We enjoyed participating in the 2 week TASA Football league at Carr Lane. Our newly established squad played brilliantly together. We were very proud to be runners up.

Intra School Rugby Festival

We've adapted our PE and Sport Strategy to include 7 festival days over the year where our children get some coaching then go into matches so that everyone can experience intra school sport, get healthy, have fun and learn new skills.
Today was our first rugby festival day and for this festival, all children from Y2 to Y6 got involved!  

Composite Relays

24 Key Stage 2 pupils competed in a TASA Composite Relay event in Rufford. I was proud of all our runners, showing great skill, determination and resilience.

TASA Bee Stingers Netball


Our Netball team have played in a 2 week league at Burscough Priory. We finished a fantastic 2nd place. Well done to all the team, we are very proud of you!

2021 - 2022

WLSP Girls Euros

Our Girls football team played in a tournament. This was organised by WLSP to celebrate and promote the Women's Euros. We played 5 matches, winning all 5 games, scoring 18 goals and conceding 0 goals! A fantastic team effort and they also got to meet the founders of www.misskick.com.


Eight lucky pupils from Year 4 are having the opportunity to go fishing and learn how to fish. They are having a 6 week course to teach them the skills they need. Each week they will work towards an angling award. After week one the children can not wait to go again next week and hope to continue catching Perch.

Active Playleaders

Some of our Year 5 children have been recently trained by WLSP to become Active Playground leaders. We are looking forward to putting this into practice at lunchtimes! The Year 5 children put their newly found leadership skills to the test by helping teach year 1 children how to play the games that had designed. 

Girl's Liverpool Cup

We played the next round of the girls football tournament in Liverpool. After our initial success, we now represented West Lancs. We played 4 matches, winning three and drawing one. We finished joint first which means we now go on to represent Merseyside in the grand final at Anfield!

Congratulations girls!  You all played brilliantly.


Ten Year 5 pupils enjoyed an afternoon of learning how to play bowls at Burscough Sports Centre. This was an event organised by WLSP alongside volunteers from Ormskirk Bowling Club. The children had an initial demonstration of how to play and had a practise. The children enjoyed learning a new skill and finished 4th out of 12 schools.

KS1 Scavenger Hunt

Six lucky KS1 pupils were fortunate to go on a Scavenger Hunt in Mere Sands Woods. This was organised through TASA by WLSP. Lots of fun was had by all in the great outdoors. 

Year 1 swimming

Year 1 have been having weekly swimming lessons at Tarleton Academy. They are making great progress and wanted to show you. Nearly all the children can now swim without armbands, and all have bravely jumped in the deep end! 

TASA Bee Stingers Netball

Congratulations to our wonderful netball players who won the TASA Bee Stingers Netball tournament. Over the two weeks they won all their matches, including some fantastic score lines of 9-0 and 13-0! They played with great team work and all helped each other to develop their skills. We are looking forward to the finals now!

Composite Relays

24 Key Stage 2 pupils competed in a TASA Composite Relay event in Rufford. I was proud of all our runners, showing great skill, determination and resilience.

TASA Bee Stingers Netball


Our Netball team have played in a 2 week league at Burscough Priory. We finished a fantastic 2nd place. Well done to all the team, we are very proud of you!

2021 - 2022

WLSP Girls Euros

Our Girls football team played in a tournament. This was organised by WLSP to celebrate and promote the Women's Euros. We played 5 matches, winning all 5 games, scoring 18 goals and conceding 0 goals! A fantastic team effort and they also got to meet the founders of www.misskick.com.


Eight lucky pupils from Year 4 are having the opportunity to go fishing and learn how to fish. They are having a 6 week course to teach them the skills they need. Each week they will work towards an angling award. After week one the children can not wait to go again next week and hope to continue catching Perch.

Active Playleaders

Some of our Year 5 children have been recently trained by WLSP to become Active Playground leaders. We are looking forward to putting this into practice at lunchtimes! The Year 5 children put their newly found leadership skills to the test by helping teach year 1 children how to play the games that had designed. 

Girl's Liverpool Cup

We played the next round of the girls football tournament in Liverpool. After our initial success, we now represented West Lancs. We played 4 matches, winning three and drawing one. We finished joint first which means we now go on to represent Merseyside in the grand final at Anfield!

Congratulations girls!  You all played brilliantly.


Ten Year 5 pupils enjoyed an afternoon of learning how to play bowls at Burscough Sports Centre. This was an event organised by WLSP alongside volunteers from Ormskirk Bowling Club. The children had an initial demonstration of how to play and had a practise. The children enjoyed learning a new skill and finished 4th out of 12 schools.

KS1 Scavenger Hunt

Six lucky KS1 pupils were fortunate to go on a Scavenger Hunt in Mere Sands Woods. This was organised through TASA by WLSP. Lots of fun was had by all in the great outdoors. 

Year 1 swimming

Year 1 have been having weekly swimming lessons at Tarleton Academy. They are making great progress and wanted to show you. Nearly all the children can now swim without armbands, and all have bravely jumped in the deep end! 

TASA Bee Stingers Netball

Congratulations to our wonderful netball players who won the TASA Bee Stingers Netball tournament. Over the two weeks they won all their matches, including some fantastic score lines of 9-0 and 13-0! They played with great team work and all helped each other to develop their skills. We are looking forward to the finals now!

Personal Best Challenge

Four pupils from Year 4 enjoyed a Personal Best Challenge organised by WLSP at Burscough Sports Centre. They had to complete a series of personal challenges and had the opportunity to learn techniques and tips to improve each skill to then try and improve on their time or score. AS you can see by some of the timings, they all made massive improvements. Well done everyone!

Girl’s Liverpool Cup

Our Year 5 & 6 Girls football team played in a tournament at the JMO in Skelmersdale. We won all three matches in our group, therefore went on to play in the final of the Ormskirk district and won 1 - 0. As a result of this victory, we played in the grand final against the Skelmersdale winners. We won the whole tournament and now get to represent West Lancs in the next stage of the Liverpool Cup. ⚽️


TASA Football League 

Our Year 5 and 6 Football team are enjoying being able to play for their school team once again. We are playing a 2 week tournament as part of TASA. After week 1, we won 3 out of our 4 matches and are 2nd in the league. Go Team TCP!

The rain sent us a little crazy... with our number 1 fan!
The rain sent us a little crazy... with our number 1 fan!

Our Sport Councillors 

Congratulations to our two new Sport Councillors from Year 5, Bryony and Charlie. They will be proudly representing our school at the WLSP Sport Council meetings. 

West Lancs Football

 Congratulations to Grace and Bryony who have successfully been selected to play football for West Lancs. We are very proud of you.  

2020 - 2021

 Sports Premium

The Sports Premium Funding is additional funding given to schools to ensure that all pupils receive high quality PE and out of hours school sport.  At TCP, we believe the strategies should impact on the children so that they develop skills and confidence as well as having a range of opportunities to enjoy sport and most importantly to be active and healthy both now and in the future.


To find out more about what we spent the Sports Premium on last year and what the impact was, as well as what we are spending the funding on this year, please see the document below:


During the 2019-20 academic year, the school was in lockdown due to the Coronavirus Pandemic.  Despite this, we still ran clubs and participated in events up to March 2020 and gained the Virtual School Games Award for our efforts in keeping children physically active remotely.

Extra-Curricular Provision


Children at TCP have had the opportunity to participate in the following extra-curricular sporting clubs during the Autumn term.


Autumn 1:


Girl's Football

UKS2 Football


Autumn 2:

Year 3 & 4 Indoor Athletics

Year 5 & 6 Basketball

Year 5 & 6 Yoga

Year 4 & 5 running 

Year 3 & 4 Ballroom dancing


Spring 1:

Year 1 & 2 Gymnastics

Year 1 & 2 Football

Year 4 & 5 running

Year 3 & 4 Gymnastics

 TASA Sports Hall Athletics 

18 pupils from Year 3 and 4 enjoyed participating in the TASA Sports Hall Athletics event at Burscough Sports Centre. 

The children all took part in track and field events including javelin, standing long jump, triple jump and lots of relay races.

The children all showed great determination and were thrilled with their bronze medals. 

Autumn Term 

School Games Award

To recognise our sporting achievements last year in gaining the School Games Gold award we were invited to a WLSP award presentation and lunch. Two Year 5 pupils went to receive our award. The award was presented to us by the current British Pole Vault Champion.

 Sports for Champions UK

We welcomed Paralympian rugby player Ayaz Bhuta to school. All the children took part in a sponsored fitness circuit for 'Sports for Champions'. Then we enjoyed an inspirational assembly led by Ayaz, where he told us about how he became a GB rugby player, impressed us with some of his skills and shared with us his resilience.

 Trip to Manchester City Womens FC

8 lucky Y6 girls and Mrs Marshall went to watch Manchester City Women play West Ham Women on Sunday 17th November. This was a trip organised by WLSP. They won 5 - 0 and we had a fantastic day. The children were able to get the opportunity to get a few autographs and selfies too. 

 TASA KS1 Sports Hall Athletics 

16 Year 1 and 2 pupils enjoyed an evening of Sports Hall Athletics at Tarleton Academy as part of TASA. They enjoyed team relay events including a sprint and an obstacle course, threw javelins, did a standing long jump and a speed bounce. Lots of fun was had by all and it was a great opportunity for the children to experience Athletics.

 Sports Leaders

Congratulations to our newly trained Sports Leaders. They will be organising and leading sporting activities every lunchtime, to help our children be as physically active as possible. 

 Strictly TCP

Year 3 and 4 pupils are enjoying the opportunity to learn Ballroom and Latin dancing as an extra curricular activity this half term. So far we have been learning steps for the Waltz and Cha Cha. 

We were very lucky to have 2 award winning dancers come and perform for us. Zara and Eden, aged 10 are Latin American and Ballroom dancers. They also helped us with our steps and answered our questions. 

At the end of our dance club we proudly danced for our parents and grandparents to show them the skills we have developed during this half term. We performed our Waltz and Cha Cha. 


Pupils in Year 5 and 6 are enjoying learning basketball skills in our after school club led by Mr Tuffs from WLSP, helped by 2 Youngleaders from Tarleton Academy. 

Curriculum Swimming 2020-21

Schools are required to publish information about outcomes in swimming for Year 6.  This is something that is paid for through the school's core budget and not Sport Premium Funding.  The following table reflects that a high proportion of pupils leave TCP able to swim and this is significantly above national figures:

Swimming Competencies

% Year 6 Pupils (51 pupils)

Swim Competently over 25m



Use a range of strokes effectively


Perform safe  self-rescue in different water-based situations


