Tarleton Community Primary School

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admission arrangements

Applying for Primary School places for September 2026:

If you have a child who has a 4th birthday between 1st September 2025 and 31st August 2026 you will need to apply for a place at a primary school. If you would like any information or to have a look around our school please call the School Office (01772 812547) and Mr. Upton, our headteacher, will be happy to help. Our published admission number (PAN) is 30 places.


What should you do if you want to apply for a place for your child at our school?

For Lancashire resident families who will require a primary  school place in September 2026 the means of application is via Lancashire's on-line system at:-



This will go live from September 2025. It is quick and easy to use and offers an e-mail receipt of all submitted applications. Please ensure that you hit the "submit" button when you are ready to send in your completed on-line application. You must apply even if you already have siblings at your preferred school or academy. If you live in Lancashire you can include out of area preferences on your on-line application. If you do not have access to the internet, the school office have a few paper applications available, alternatively we are happy to help you with an online application using a computer in school and are happy to support families where English is not your first language.

Details of how Lancashire County Council administer the scheme and allocate places are in the attached sheet at the bottom of this page.

The closing dates for applications for September 2026 are at 11-59 pm on:-

Primary school applications –  15th January 2026


Click on the link below to find out further information including details on admission appeals.

LCC Information to Parents

Criteria for Issuing Places 


In the event that there are more applicants than places, after admitting all children with an Educational and Health and Care Plan naming the school, the Governing Body will allocate places using the criteria below, which are listed in order of priority.

  1. Looked after children or a child who was previously looked after, but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, child arrangement order, or special guardianship order or those children who appear to the school to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted, then
  2. Children for whom the Governing Body accepts that there are exceptional medical social or welfare reasons which are directly relevant to the school concerned, then
  3. Children with older siblings attending the school when the younger child will start. Siblings refers to full, half, adopted, step, foster children or the child of the parents partner, and in every case, the child must be living in the same family unit at the same address, then
  4. Children that attend Tarleton Community Primary Tiny Treasures (Nursery) for a full academic year, then
  5. Remaining places are allocated according to where a child lives. Those living nearest to the preferred school by a straight line (radial) measure will have priority.


How we consider applications for other year groups

If you are looking for a place for your child(ren) in another year group please contact the school directly.  We will:

  • Check availability in that year group
  • Invite you to tour the school and discuss your circumstances
  • Provide you with an In-year Admission Form (if this is appropriate). Download form below or contact the school office. 
  • Liaise with your child's current school
  • Provide information regarding school uniform 



In-year Admissions

In-year admissions are when a parent requires a school place for a child outside of the normal entry in September for the child's Reception year.  As Tarleton Community Primary is a foundation school, in-year admissions are handled through the School Office and on the form below.  In the first instance, please contact Kelly Preston on 01772 812547 to discuss availability and for her to organise a meeting and a show round with our headteacher, Chris Upton.

Admission Appeals

If an in-year admissions application is rejected, parents may appeal this decision via the Local Authority by clicking the link below.

For 2025 admissions to our Reception class, the deadline is 22.05.25.  Please click the link below to see the timetable for appeals.

Follow the link below to submit an appeal. Complete the online form. A copy of the appeal application is sent automatically to the school.


Want to find out more about our school?


Why not follow us on Facebook to see all the fun and exciting learning your child could be having?

Or join us on a Wednesday afternoon to experience our famous TCP hospitality as part of our Step into TCP as your little one will love it!