Tarleton Community Primary School

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Welcome to our class of 30 wonderful Year 1 Superstars! We are all happy learners who always try our best. We know it is OK to make mistakes, as this helps us to learn.

Our teacher is Mrs Marshall and we are lucky to be supported at various times throughout the week by Mrs Ashton, Mrs Bridge and Miss Fellows.

We are all looking forward to a fun and successful year where we will learn lots of new things. We are especially excited to go swimming and participate at Forest School this year.


Knowledge Organisers Block 6

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Knowledge Organisers Block 5

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School Council organised a fundraiser for Numeracy day. The children were invited to come to school dressed as 'Rockstars' linked to the Times Tables Rockstar's. We had some incredibly cool dudes in our class!


In our Music unit we have had lots of fun learning about Pitch and Tempo through the exciting theme of 'Superheroes'. Watch our performances on the Glockenspiels. We performed confidently as a group. It just so happened that we recorded our musical performances the same day we were dressed as 'Rockstars'. How perfect!


We enjoyed a relaxing Yoga session led by The Yogi Group as part of an initiative by the NHS for Mental Health Day. 

All about Plants

In Science we are learning about plants. We went on a plant hunt in our school garden and were trying to find plants taller than us, smelly flowers, a tree trunk, plants with many leaves and a plant growing in an unusual place. We have also been looking at plants through a magnifying glass. In our classroom we are undertaking a bean investigation. At the moment we do not think the beans without any water will grow! Luckily the beans that we are watering are beginning to sprout. 

To help us remember the different parts of a plant, we used this fun action song to help us!


We have all planted a sunflower and they are growing well. We are watering them and they are getting lots of sunlight.

We also wrote group acrostic poems about sunflowers. In our English lessons, we were learning about instructions. We followed the instructions to make handprint sunflowers. 

We have enjoyed leaf hunting and creating flowers using construction. We have been identifying flowers as wild or garden flowers. The children enjoyed sending in some photographs of  beautiful flowers in their gardens. 


We have begun learning all about multiplication and division. We have been really clever learning all about arrays. We enjoyed making arrays to understand the rows and columns. 

Mass and Volume

We have been enjoying learning about mass and volume in Maths. We especially like measuring capacity and volume as we have had lots of fun with water! We have been learning the vocabulary 'full, nearly full, half full, nearly empty and empty'. We also measured how many cups it takes to fill different sized containers. We became very good at making estimates and a mess!

3d Sculptures - Paper Play

In Art we are having lots of fun with paper play to build 3d sculptures. We enjoyed making tube towers and 3d pictures. We are looking forward to making more sculptures!

Our completed Giant Spider Sculpture! It looks amazing albeit a little scary too! 

It took a lot of newspaper, masking tape, team work and rolling skills to create our Spider sculpture. Mrs M was not too keen so we painted it bright and colourful so it did not scare her too much!

Animated stories

In our Computing lessons we are beginning to learn how to make animated stories on Purple Mash. 


For our SCARF unit this half term we are focusing on the unit 'Being my best'. So far we have been learning about healthy eating and enjoyed making a collaborative collage called 'I can eat a rainbow!'

Knowledge Organisers Block 4

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What is the weather like?

For our Geography work the children had fun making wind vanes and then exploring using them on a windy day! They were looking for places in the playground that were windier than other places and also if they could find anywhere that was sheltered from the wind. 

Design Technology - Our Puppets


Science week

Year 1 are enjoying Science week focusing on the unit 'Comparing animals'. We have been learning about historical Scientists including George Mottershead and Joan Beauchamp Procter along with modern day scientists and zoologists. 

We have been lucky to have a visit from Cameron in Year 6 who came to tell us all about his unusual amazing pet axolotls. We were all fascinated and learned lots too. 

Then Spike the Bearded Dragon came to visit, thanks to Aria and her mummy. Aria told us all about how she cares for her pet and then we were lucky enough to be able to hold or stroke him if we were feeling brave. 

Blackpool Zoo

We all had a fantastic day at Blackpool Zoo in Science week. We have been learning about zoo keepers, zoologists and animal scientists so was great to meet real life zoo keepers and listen to a workshop about animal behaviour. The children enjoyed observing the animals they saw and discussing their behaviours. They were using their knowledge of animal groups to identify the group each zoo animal they saw was from. 

World Book Day 2024!

We loved reading 'The Oak Tree' by Julia Donaldson for World Book Day and dressing up as a Woodland animal or a person from History. We had fun creating leaf people and learning lots of facts about oak trees and their life cycle. We all looked fabulous in our costumes!

No Outsiders

Our text for No Outsiders was called 'Hair, it's a Family Affair! Our focus was on different hairstyles, hair colour and length. We discussed that we know we are all different and that this is OK. We are all proud of our hair and the way we look. We sorted ourselves by our hair colour and style. We drew our family focusing on their different hairstyles and colour. We painted different hairstyles and made collages of crazy hairstyles we would like if we could. 

Break the rules day

We enjoyed a 'Break the rules day' to raise funds for Friends of TCP. Own clothes were worn, crazy hairstyles, tattoos, face paint, jewelry, juice in bottles and own snack were among the rules broken. 

Knowledge Organisers Block 3

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SCIENCE - Sensitive Bodies

In our Science lessons we have been learning all about our senses. This has been lots of fun and involved feely boxes to test our sense of touch, hearing tests, smelling fun and sight tasks. The children were finding out what it would be like to be visually impaired, and helped guide their blindfolded partner across some muddy puddles! The children enjoyed blindfolded taste testing, although some foods were described as YUK! They learnt new vocabulary; salty, sweet, bitter and sour. 

As part of our Science work on our senses, we had special visitors come to school. We had a Firefighter and Police Officers visit us to tell us all about their jobs and how their jobs need to use senses everyday. We had lots of fun and enjoyed learning lots of new facts. 


We have been learning all about primary and secondary colours along with colour mixing in our art lessons. 

Our final art work were our own Clarice Cliff style plates. I think you will agree they look great! 

Kipper's Toybox

As part of our English work for 'I'm a clever writer', we enjoyed reading the story of 'Kipper's Toybox'. As well as completing fantastic written retells and writing descriptive sentences, we all enjoyed reenacting the story! We especially liked the mouse wriggling inside Sock Thing!

Safer Internet Day

For Safer Internet Day 2024, we looked at 'Tech through time'. The children enjoyed working in groups to discuss and order which technology they thought was the oldest  to the newest. We listened to some important stories to learn how to keep ourselves safe online and learn about what can change whilst we are online. We all know we need to tell our trusted adults if we see something online that makes us worried or scared. 

Dance - The Circus

For our PE this half term we have been dancing to a Circus theme. The children have really enjoyed pretending to be tightrope walkers, ringmasters, clowns, jugglers and learning how to perform in Cannon. The children have danced as a whole class, in small groups, in pairs and individually. 

Fun in the SNOW!

Knowledge Organisers Block 2

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Science - Everyday Materials

We were learning all about materials. As part of this we had to investigate and carry out fair tests. We enjoyed testing how strong materials were and how absorbent they were!

December in Year 1

During December, Cellos were very busy with the play, Christmas Counts and were fantastic actors and speakers in our production with EYFS and KS1. 

We enjoyed a fantastic Christmas party, where we had a special visitor from Father Christmas! We went to see Cinderella the Pantomime! Lots of crafts and of course we were very productive for Enterprise week with our company Snow Kids! Making and selling all our Snowman themed products. 

Design Technology

In Design Technology we all enjoyed designing and making a windmill. We had to design and assemble the structure. Our structure needed to be stable and include turbines and axles which actually worked. We tested and evaluated our finished windmills. We were all pleased with our windmills and all think we did very well!


In our Gymnastics lessons we have been learning lots of different ways to balance, on our own and with a partner, using lots of different parts of our bodies. We have travelled along a bench and performed our balances on the bench. We have been learning to jump off the bench safely. We also began learning different types of rolling. 

Remembrance Week

For Remembrance week we focused on the importance of poppies. We enjoyed learning all about the different coloured poppies and their meanings. The children created a collaborative collage of Flanders Field. All week the children made poppies with a variety of construction. We performed poppy poems. Enjoy our video performances. 

No Outsiders

For our No Outsiders work this half term we enjoyed reading the story 'Going to the Volcano' by Andy Stanton. We had lots of fun acting this story out. We discussed that although the characters were all different, they could all play together and join in. They were kind to each other and let everyone visit the volcano. They all helped each other at the end of the story when they were in hospital. We are like this in our class and know that everyone is welcome and everyone can join in and play. Fantastic drawings were created of everyone joining in.


In English we enjoyed a week writing poems about Autumn and leaves. We had a fun welly walk looking for and collecting leaves and discussed all about our 5 senses. We printed with the Autumn leaves to create a class collage and used this as inspiration for wonderful adjectives. We wrote a list poem and a senses poem. We loved performing Autumn poems too!

Knowledge Organisers Block 1

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Welcome to Year 1!

We have been enjoying our new Year 1 class and playing and learning. We love our small world area, our finger gym, independent activities and lots more...

To celebrate Mr Upton's OBE, Cellos class made him a special card and presented it to him in assembly as a surprise. 


The children all looked bright and cheerful dressed up in their yellow clothes for this years Hello Yellow fundraising day and to raise awareness for World Mental Health Day. They enjoyed eating the special cakes too and the photo props! 

Black History Month

To celebrate Black History Month we were learning all about the life of Nelson Mandela. The children helped create a fantastic painting of him, listened well to his life story and thought of lots of words to describe him. They were all shocked at how he was treated.

Basketball Festival

We participated in a Basketball Festival led by South Ribble. We impressed the coach with all our basketball skills!

Dear Zoo

We have loved reading the story 'Dear Zoo' this week in our English lessons. We had lots of fun retelling the story using masks and puppets. We are looking forward to writing this story soon too. Watch our fantastic videos retelling this story!

No Outsiders

For our No Outsiders focus this half term, we read the wonderful story of 'Elmer'. The children loved this story and all thought Elmer was beautiful just the way he was! If Elmer came to our school, we would make him welcome in our class as everybody is welcome and it is ok to be different. We made a class collage of our very own colourful Elmer. 


We are all working hard on our Phonics. This involves playing lots of fun games! 


Our Art focus this half term is drawing - 'Make your mark'. So far we have explored lines and made waves. We created line drawings using string, pencils and chalk. We created collaborative art work whilst listening to music to inspire us!


For our first Shape Friday we have had fun learning, recognising and naming 3d shapes. This included building lots of fun towers!


Our Science work this half term is focusing on Seasonal change. We have made fantastic season mobiles which look great hanging from our classroom ceiling!


How am I making History?

This is our History focus this half term. So far we have been learning about our own timeline and looking at photographs of us from the present to the past. We have liked looking at photographs of all our friends when they were babies and toddlers. 

We all loved making our memory boxes at home for our History learning. The children were proud to show their memory box and find out more about their own history. 

When learning about how special events are celebrated and remembered, we focused on our birthdays. We ordered ourselves by our birthdays and enjoyed finding out who shared the same birthday month.