Tarleton Community Primary School

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Welcome to the Double Basses class!

We are a class of 18 Year 2 children who enjoy every opportunity to work and play together. We share a classroom with Mrs Bruzzese, Mrs Wright, Mrs Potter and Mrs Bridge.

Our P.E lessons are on Tuesday and Friday, and sometimes on a Wednesday,  so we need to make sure that our P.E kit is in school on these days. On Wednesday afternoon Mrs Bruzzese lends us to Mrs Wright and Mrs Bridge for the afternoon and we learn about ourselves and working together.

As a part of our Wednesday afternoon work we can bring something along for Show and Tell. We need to bring something which is important to us or special so that we can stand up and talk about it to our friends. This really helps us to practice our speaking and listening skills. 

We try to read a few pages of our books every night so that we can become 'Super Readers!' and change our books ourselves when we have finished them. Each Friday we choose a library book to take home to share with our family. Our spelling  homework is given out on a Friday and we have our spelling test on Friday morning each week. We each have a login for Timestable Rockstars to play games and learn our times tables.

We have an exciting year ahead and we look forward to learning lots of new things.

                                                  Home Learning

Please find below the worksheets for Summer of White Rose Maths home learning.

Week 3

 Lesson 1 Answers Fact families - addition and subtraction bonds to 20 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 1 Answers Fact families - addition and subtraction bonds to 20 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 1 Fact families - addition and subtraction bonds to 20 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 2 Answers Compare number sentences 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 2 Compare number sentences 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 3 Answers Related facts 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 3 Related facts 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 4 Add and subtract 1s.pdfDownload
 Lesson 4 Answers Add and subtract 1s.pdfDownload
Showing 1-9 of 9

Week 4

 Lesson 1 Add and subtract 10s 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 1 Answers Add and subtract 10s 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 2 Add 2-digit numbers (2) 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 2 Answers Add 2-digit numbers (2) 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 3 Answers Subtract 2-digit numbers (2) 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 3 Subtract 2-digit numbers (2) 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 4 Answers Bonds to 100 (tens and ones) 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 4 Bonds to 100 (tens and ones) 2019.pdfDownload
Showing 1-8 of 8

Week 5

 Lesson 1 - Multiplication sentences using the x symbol 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 2 - Use arrays 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 3 - The 2 times-table 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 4 - The 5 times-table 2019.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4
 Lesson 1 Answers - Multiplication sentences using the x symbol 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 2 Answers - Use arrays 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 3 Answers - The 2 times-table 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 4 Answers - The 5 times-table 2019.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Week 6

 Lesson 1 - The 10 times-table 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 1 Answers - The 10 times-table 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 2 - Make equal groups - sharing 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 2 Answers - Make equal groups - sharing 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 3 - Make equal groups - grouping 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 3 Answers - Make equal groups - grouping 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 4 - Odd and even numbers 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 4 Answers - Odd and even numbers 2019.pdfDownload
Showing 1-8 of 8

Week 8

 Lesson 1 - Count sides and vertices on 2D shapes.pdfDownload
 Lesson 1 Answers - Count sides and vertices on 2D shapes.pdfDownload
 Lesson 2 - Count faces, edges and vertices on 3D shapes.pdfDownload
 Lesson 2 Answers - Count faces, edges and vertices on 3D shapes.pdfDownload
 Lesson 3 - Sort 2D and 3D shapes.pdfDownload
 Lesson 3 Answers - Sort 2D and 3D shapes.pdfDownload
 Lesson 4 - Merge 2D and 3D shapes.pdfDownload
 Lesson 4 Answers - Make patterns with 2D and 3D shapes.pdfDownload
Showing 1-8 of 8

Week 9

 Lesson 1 Answers Find the total 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 1 Find the total 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 2 Answers Find the difference 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 2 Find the difference 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 3 Answers Find change 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 3 Find change 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 4 Answers Two-step problems 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 4 Two-step problems 2019.pdfDownload
Showing 1-8 of 8

Week 10


Week 11

 Lesson 1 - Measure mass in grams.pdfDownload
 Lesson 1 Answers - Measure mass in grams.pdfDownload
 Lesson 2 - Measure mass in kilograms.pdfDownload
 Lesson 2 Answers - Measure mass in kilograms.pdfDownload
 Lesson 3 - Compare volume.pdfDownload
 Lesson 3 Answers - Compare volume.pdfDownload
 Lesson 4 - Milliltres.pdfDownload
 Lesson 4 Answers - Milliltres.pdfDownload
Showing 1-8 of 8

The Final 2 Weeks Work

Parent folder
Showing 1-4 of 4

World Book Day 2020

Today was World Book Day. We started the day with a magical assembly where children were sorted into houses by the Harry Potter Sorting Hat! Then we began learning about our text, Winnie the Witch. We found out about the authors and the characters in the story. We created artwork in the style of the illustrator, Korky Paul, wands and wrote spells. Our spells will be made into a book for the school library! At 3 o’clock some of our parents came to share stories with us, so many arrived that we ran out of space! We had a fun, creative day and we all looked very magical.

Learning about living in a contrasting locality...

Today we learned about living in a different country. Our friend from year 5, Erik, came to visit and told us all about living and going to school in the Philippines. We learned that there are cities and villages, the children are often taught in English and the weather is hot and wet! Later we investigated the country and compared it to Tarleton. We now know that it is in the Pacific Ocean and that it is part of the continent of Asia. Thank you Erik for teaching us!

Exploring 2D shapes...

This week we have been learning about the properties of 2D shapes. We have explored, drawn, created and folded lots of shapes to really understand them.

We are authors!

We have written stories in the style of Bob, Man on the Moon by Simon Bartram. We are so proud of them and have published some of them on Pobble. We hope that you enjoy reading them!

Being Creative..

Today we began our new music unit, Your Imagination. We listened to music all about imaginary creatures and wonderful images. Then we created our own images, using some weird and wonderful ideas.

Making clay people in the style of Keith Haring...

We have learned how to draw people in proportion. Then we turned our drawings into clay people by rolling, pulling and pinching the clay. We hope you like them!

Angel Express...

Today we performed wonderfully in our Christmas play. We acted, sang beautifully and spoke clearly. We made everyone very proud!

Enterprise Week 2019

We have started our Enterprise Week with a visit from Bryan, from Mellors, who was our Dragon. We listened brilliantly and asked excellent questions to assist with the setting up of our own business. We split into teams and have carried out market research, created a product and starting marketing. Our logo was designed by Jacob. It was chosen as it was clear and simple, just as Bryan taught us. We all had ideas for our business name, but chose Jamie’s idea when we had a vote. We are ‘Eco Make Bake Co’. This is a great name as we are making biscuits and selling wooden, eco-glitter tree decorations. 

We enjoyed selling our products at the Christmas Fair and made lots of money as we sold out!

Fighting Fit...

This week we have been learning how to look after our bodies, especially our teeth.

We built teeth out of Lego bricks and 'ate' a biscuit! It was fun! Then we had to clean our 'teeth' to remove all of the biscuit. It was very tricky and taught us that we have to clean our real teeth very carefully to keep them healthy.

After all we had practiced cleaning our teeth we created leaflets to help other people to clean their teeth properly too.

Remembrance Week 2019...

This year the focus of our learning was VE Day or Victory in Europe Day. We learned about how children were evacuated, during the Second World War, for their own safety from towns and cities around Britain. We imagined being evacuated and really understood how sad and scared the children would have felt leaving their parents behind.

Through out the week we participated in activities which helped us to learn about what happened, the affect on the people and how joyful people felt when the war in Europe had ended.

To celebrate the end of our work we dressed up as evacuees, made jam butties and had a street party with 1940s music and dancing. It was great fun!

On November the 8th our parents were invited to attend our assembly where we shared all our learning. We spoke confidently and sang beautifully and made everyone proud! Thank you to our friend Tom from Tarleton Academy who played The Last Post for us.

Wow Science Day 11.9.19

On Tuesday we enjoyed an exciting day! We watched an assembly with lots of bangs, pops and dry ice! We spent our day exploring bubbles. We made lava lamps, bubble snakes and Mento volcanos! We used vinegar and baking powder to inflate a balloon without our breath! We made water climb up our jar and made a candle float! Wow, what a day!

Autumn Investigation

We went onto the field and looked for signs of the changing seasons.

The Place Where I live...

Our class went on a walk to Carr Lane playground to investigate the local area. We followed a map and drew sketches of the playground equipment to use in our art lessons next week.

We came back to school and looked around our school to find clues as to how old the building might be. We found chimneys, but no fires, boys and girls doors and different patterns of bricks. We were excellent detectives!

We then looked at old and new toys. We watched Magic Grandad who taught us all about toys in the 1950s. We investigated toys using our history skills and put them in a timeline.

We are authors!!

Over the last few weeks we have been studying the story of The Jolly Postman by Allan Ahlberg. We have created our own stories using his story as a guide. Some of our stories have been published on Pobble!

Please enjoy reading our stories!

The History Of The Place Where I live

 Today we went on a treasure hunt to find out what we were going to learn about.

Then we began to write about our school in the past.

Printing in the style of Edward Bawden

Edward Bawden used printing techniques to create wallpaper. We drew simple shapes, using our sketches from our local walk, onto Quickprint. We used a ballpoint pen to press our design into the Quickprint, rolled paint on using a foam roller and pressed on really hard!

We hope you enjoy some of our work.

Hello Yellow...Mental Health Day 2019

Today we learned about looking after our mental well being. We created a well being calendar with ideas for each day to improve our own and everyone else's mental well being.

We created worry monsters, made yellow biscuits, created yellow masks and designed well being superheroes! We made enough biscuits for everyone to share and even sent some helpers around school to share our happiness with others. During the morning we even had a disco and did the Conga through the library!