Tarleton Community Primary School

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Double Basses

Welcome to the Double Basses' class!

We are a class of 30 Year 2 children who enjoy every opportunity to work and play together. We share a classroom with Mrs Bruzzese and Mrs Barrow.

Our P.E lessons are on Monday and Thursday so we need to come to school in our P.E kit on these days. On Wednesday afternoon Mrs Bruzzese lends us to Mrs Higson for the afternoon and we learn about PSHE and Computing.

We try to read a few of our books every night so that we can become 'Super Readers!'

In our blue reading bag we will continue to bring home 2 reading books- a phonics book which we can read to you which we will keep for the week and a banded book to read together with an adult . The banded book can be changed whenever we have read, in the same way as previous years.

Each Friday we choose a library book to take home for a week to share with our family.

Our spelling homework is given out on a Friday and we have our spelling test on Friday morning each week.

We will each have a login for Times Tables Rockstars https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student/54721 to play games and learn our times tables and we can play on https://whiterosemaths.com/1-minute-maths to help us to practice our arithmetic skills in a fun way.

We have an exciting year ahead and we look forward to learning lots of new things.

Times Table Rock Star Day 2024

Today we dressed like Rock Stars to celebrate World Maths Day! 

Fleetwood Museum Trip

What a great day we had at Fleetwood Museum! We created art, dressed up and learned lots about seaside holidays in Victorian Britain. The children were a credit to TCP and we are so proud of them all!

No Outsiders

We read the story What the Jackdaw saw by Julia Donaldson. We learned that the Jackdaw couldn't hear the animals when they were warning him about danger. We learned to say lots of words in sign language to help us to talk to people who have a hearing impairment.

SUMMER TERM - BLOCK 5 Knowledge Organisers

 Music-KO-Y2-On-This-Island-16.8.21-3 (1).pdfDownload
 Y2-KO-What-is-a-monarch-3 (1) (1).pdfDownload
 Year-2-Sculpture-and-3D (1).pdfDownload
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World Book Day 2024

Today we celebrated World Book Day 2024! We started the day with an assembly led by The Reading Ambassadors. We learned that we were going to be taking part in lots of activities based on The Oak Tree by Julia Donaldson. During the day we baked, we created Oak Tree Collages, built a giant Oak Tree in the library, full of adjectives and had our photos taken to recreate Julia Donaldson's amazing book. We also wrote zig zag information books about the life cycle of an Oak Tree linked to our Science work and created poems using all our amazing adjectives. We have had a busy, fun day celebrating books!

No Outsiders ...

This half term we have been learning about what makes a good friend. We read the story Amazing! by Steve Antony and acted out how we work together to be good friends.

We thought about what we did together in class and how we shared our day.

Safer Internet Day 2024

Double Basses met Mo and Jaz who were watching their favourite video about penguins. At the end of the video, a new one started playing which scared Mo and Jaz. We gave them the following advice:

'Always tell a trusted adult if you see something online that makes you feel worries, scared or upset.'

Remembrance Week 2023

We are ready to be evacuated 
All the children look wonderful, we are very proud!

This week we have been studying The Evacuees of WW2. We were very lucky to have a visit from Mr Barrow to show some special medals, including some medals from WW2! We also got a chance to try on a gas mask, thanks Poppy!
As we have been learning about what it would feel like to be an evacuee, we enjoyed hearing about what it feels like for a soldier to leave home.
Well done everyone!


Today we have been learning about the 7 continents of the world. We explored our brand new atlases to find the continents, labelled a world map and found those continents on the globe. Our new continents song helped us to remember which was the largest continent. 


Today we have been exploring the climbing frames and practicing our gymnastic animal moves. We had lots of fun!

Knowledge Organisers: Block 2

 KO KSI-Microhabitats.pdfDownload
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Awesome number bonds to 20

Today we used our Rekenreks to find number bonds to 20 and to 10. We worked really hard?  Did we get them all correct?

Hello Yellow Mental Health Day 2023

Today it was Hello Yellow Day in School in support of the Young Minds charity. We talked about our feelings and discussed what we could do to help our selves and our friends if we struggle with our feelings. We read The Colour Monster by Anna LLenas and used the colours from the story to create a beautiful pattern designs. We made wrist bands, ate cakes and listened to relaxing music. What a lovely day we had!

Maths fun with greater and less than

We had a lots of fun learning about greater and less than. We watched Numberblocks and then practiced being Blockzilla!

Black History Day 2023

Today Double Basses celebrated Black History Month by learning about Dr Mae Jemison, the first black woman astronaut. We created rockets with the favourite things in Mae’s life and wrote an account of her life. We learned that she became an astronaut despite being told that she couldn’t and also qualified as a doctor. We felt inspired and learned that we should never give up on our dreams.

Knowledge Organisers: Block 1

 Knowledge Organiser- Year-2-Craft-and-design.pdfDownload
 Year 2 Knowledge Organiser - Unit 2.1 02 2023 f (1).pdfDownload
 Year 2 Knowledge Organiser - Unit 2.2.pdfDownload
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No Outsiders

Today we learned about welcoming people. We read 'Can I join your club?' and acted out being Lion, Elephant and Snake as well as Duck, who tried his best to make friends but was always turned away. This made us feel very sad.

We then learned that Duck allowed everyone to join his club- even Elephant, Lion and Snake. He accepted EVERYONE! This made us very happy so we created a poster inviting people to Our Club. We tried to include as many people as we could no matter their differences.