Tarleton Community Primary School

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Welcome to our fantastic team which consists of 30 happy, ambitious, resilient learners, who are not afraid to make mistakes and rise to every challenge, and 2 class teachers - Mrs Parkinson and Mrs Higson.  Our wonderful Learning Support Assistants, who support us at various times of the week, are Mrs Moores, Miss Fellows and Mrs Cookson.

This year, all subjects will be taught discretely in six blocks, with opportunities for revisiting and revising content over the year, to ensure retention of knowledge and skills. 

For homework, children should aim to read at least 5 times a week and record this in their Reading Record. These will be checked on a Monday and  gold coins will be awarded to the children who have achieved this. In addition, children should learn their weekly spellings for a test each Friday, and access Times Table Rockstars three times a week. 

We are very much looking forward to a fun, successful and exciting year....


Block 6 - Have a look at our 'Knowledge Organisers' to see what we're learning...

 Y3 - Computing - Graphing.pdfDownload
 Y3 - Computing - Microbits.pdfDownload
 Y3 - DT- Eating Seasonally.pdfDownload
 Y3 - French - Time.pdfDownload
 Y3 - Geography - Settlements.pdfDownload
 Y3 - Music -India.pdfDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

Block 5 - Have a look at our 'Knowledge Organisers' to see what we're learning...

 Year 3 - Art - Sculpture.pdfDownload
 Year 3 - Computing - Simulations.pdfDownload
 Year 3 - French -Our School.pdfDownload
 Year 3 - Music -Jazz.pdfDownload
 Year 3 -History -Why-did-the-Romans-settle-in-Britain.pdfDownload
 Year 3 -Science -Plant Reproduction.pdfDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

Why were the Romans so successful?

In our History work, we have been exploring why the Romans were so successful in building their empire...They were strong, disciplined, well organised and went into battle with a plan! We practised their famous battle formations and learnt about the armour and weapons that helped them protect themselves. We had lots of fun along the way!

Cricket Festival & Yoga

We have taken part in a cricket festival with South Ribble which was lots of fun and very competitive! Then we enjoyed a very relaxing yoga session leaving us feeling very mindful! A great sporty day!

Visit to Ribchester Roman Museum

We visited Ribchester Roman Museum. We learnt lots about Roman inventions, looked at and handled a range of artefacts, found out what Roman soldiers wore and examined the remains of part of the Roman fort that existed right where we were stood! We've had lots of fun, and we made Mrs Parkinson very proud of how much knowledge we already had and brought to the visit!

No Outsiders - Summer 1

In our 'No Outsiders' work, Piccolos explored the story 'The Hueys in The New Jumper' by Oliver Jeffers. The Hueys are small and mischievous, unique compared to the world's other creatures - but hardly unique to one another. You see, each Huey looks the same, thinks the same, and does the same exact things. So you can imagine the chaos when one of them has the idea of knitting a sweater! It seems like a good idea at the time -the Huey is quite proud of it, in fact - but it does make him different from the others? So, the rest of the Hueys, in turn, decide that they want to be different too! How? By knitting the exact same sweater, of course!
We discussed how it can be hard sometimes to be different from everyone else and thought about how to help people, in this situation, to be strong. We decided that standing apart can be accomplished even when standing together! 
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Block 4 - Have a look at our 'Knowledge Organisers' to see what we're learning...

 Year 3 - Computing - Branching Databases.pdf Download
 Year 3 - French - family-and-friends.pdf Download
 Year 3 - Geography - Who-lives-in-Antarctica.pdf Download
 Year 3 - Music- Chinese-New-Year-Pentatonic Scales.pdf Download
 Year 3 - Science - Lights-and-shadows.pdf Download
 Year 3 -DT- Wearable-technology.pdf Download
Showing 1-6 of 6

Science Week

We undertook some very exciting work linked to light and reflection during Science Week. With a light meter, we investigated how well different surfaces reflected light, finding out that smooth, shiny materials - like mirrors - reflect light best.

We researched a scientist, Percy Shaw, who invented 'Cat's Eyes'. What a remarkable invention! It was patented in 1934 and still keeps us safe on the roads in the dark today, thanks to its reflective properties!

Using our understanding of how light is reflected, we had lots of fun using mirrors to make our own kaleidoscopes!

We also enjoyed sharing our learning with another year 3 class, via Zoom, from Lostock Hall Community Primary School. We've had great fun and learnt so much. We love Science! ❤️

World Book Day

We enjoyed a wonderful assembly to celebrate our love of reading with Mrs Bruzzese and the Reading Ambassadors. Then we focused our day's activities around a book called 'The Oak Tree' by Julia Donaldson. This book tells the story of a tree through 1000 years of British History. Children came dressed as a child from History or a UK woodland animal and they looked wonderful! We researched ancient trees and the wildlife that depends upon them overtime. Using a leaf identification chart, we identified different types of trees/leaves that we found on our school grounds. Then we used collected leaves to make a natural collage of one of the animals from the book.

Trout Release

8.3.24 - It’s been emotional! Today, Year 3 wished farewell to our little trout - all 100 survived in our care! We went to the River Douglas to watch the trout be released by Emily from the Ribble River Trust. Before we waved them goodbye, we read them our class poem of advice for their future endeavours!
We also enjoyed a walk to spot river features and wildlife. Then, we went back to school to undertake a water safety workshop and examine a range of invertebrates that we’d collected from the water. A wonderful day!  
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No Outsiders - Spring 2

In our 'No Outsiders' work, Year 3 read the story 'The Truth About Old People' and identified the stereotypes that were used about elderly people and how they were challenged in the book.
We thought about other stereotypes that exist, that we might hear, and discussed the best thing we could do - say it's not true!
Using the book as a stimulus, the children thought of a stereotype and drew their response...

Yoga Festival

We enjoyed a yoga and mindfulness session with Tanya from South Ribble Sports Partnership...

Block 3 - Have a look at our 'Knowledge Organisers' to see what we're learning...

 Year 3 - Computing - Email.pdf Download
 Year 3 - Computing - Touch Typing.pdf Download
 Year-3 - Art - Craft & Design.pdf Download
 Year-3 - French - Food Glorious Food.pdf Download
 Year-3 - History - Stone Age, Bronze Age & Iron Age.pdf Download
 Year-3 - Music - Ballads.pdf Download
 Year-3 - Science - Rocks and Soils.pdf Download
Showing 1-7 of 7

Art - Ancient Egyptian Scrolls

We researched Ancient Egyptian art and made our own papyrus paper, on which we drew and painted our own Ancient Egyptian designs.

Science - Rocks and Soils

We have had fun making observations of rocks, testing their properties and classifying them. We have learnt how fossils are formed and enjoyed making examples of our own cast and mould fossils.

Block 4 - Have a look at our 'Knowledge Organisers' to see what we're learning...

 Year 3 - Computing - Branching Databases.pdfDownload
 Year 3 - French - family-and-friends.pdfDownload
 Year 3 - Geography - Who-lives-in-Antarctica.pdfDownload
 Year 3 - Music- Chinese-New-Year-Pentatonic Scales.pdfDownload
 Year 3 - Science - Lights-and-shadows.pdfDownload
 Year 3 -DT- Wearable-technology.pdfDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

Science Week

We undertook some very exciting work linked to light and reflection during Science Week. With a light meter, we investigated how well different surfaces reflected light, finding out that smooth, shiny materials - like mirrors - reflect light best.

We researched a scientist, Percy Shaw, who invented 'Cat's Eyes'. What a remarkable invention! It was patented in 1934 and still keeps us safe on the roads in the dark today, thanks to its reflective properties!

Using our understanding of how light is reflected, we had lots of fun using mirrors to make our own kaleidoscopes!

We also enjoyed sharing our learning with another year 3 class, via Zoom, from Lostock Hall Community Primary School. We've had great fun and learnt so much. We love Science! ❤️

World Book Day

We enjoyed a wonderful assembly to celebrate our love of reading with Mrs Bruzzese and the Reading Ambassadors. Then we focused our day's activities around a book called 'The Oak Tree' by Julia Donaldson. This book tells the story of a tree through 1000 years of British History. Children came dressed as a child from History or a UK woodland animal and they looked wonderful! We researched ancient trees and the wildlife that depends upon them overtime. Using a leaf identification chart, we identified different types of trees/leaves that we found on our school grounds. Then we used collected leaves to make a natural collage of one of the animals from the book.

Trout Release

8.3.24 - It’s been emotional! Today, Year 3 wished farewell to our little trout - all 100 survived in our care! We went to the River Douglas to watch the trout be released by Emily from the Ribble River Trust. Before we waved them goodbye, we read them our class poem of advice for their future endeavours!
We also enjoyed a walk to spot river features and wildlife. Then, we went back to school to undertake a water safety workshop and examine a range of invertebrates that we’d collected from the water. A wonderful day!  
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No Outsiders - Spring 2

In our 'No Outsiders' work, Year 3 read the story 'The Truth About Old People' and identified the stereotypes that were used about elderly people and how they were challenged in the book.
We thought about other stereotypes that exist, that we might hear, and discussed the best thing we could do - say it's not true!
Using the book as a stimulus, the children thought of a stereotype and drew their response...

Yoga Festival

We enjoyed a yoga and mindfulness session with Tanya from South Ribble Sports Partnership...

Block 3 - Have a look at our 'Knowledge Organisers' to see what we're learning...

 Year 3 - Computing - Email.pdf Download
 Year 3 - Computing - Touch Typing.pdf Download
 Year-3 - Art - Craft & Design.pdf Download
 Year-3 - French - Food Glorious Food.pdf Download
 Year-3 - History - Stone Age, Bronze Age & Iron Age.pdf Download
 Year-3 - Music - Ballads.pdf Download
 Year-3 - Science - Rocks and Soils.pdf Download
Showing 1-7 of 7

Art - Ancient Egyptian Scrolls

We researched Ancient Egyptian art and made our own papyrus paper, on which we drew and painted our own Ancient Egyptian designs.

Science - Rocks and Soils

We have had fun making observations of rocks, testing their properties and classifying them. We have learnt how fossils are formed and enjoyed making examples of our own cast and mould fossils.

Dodgeball Festival

We enjoyed a dodgeball tournament, led by Andy from South Ribble - such fun! There were some great skills displayed by the children!

Trout in the classroom

100 trout eggs have been placed in our care to grow and nurture! The River Ribble Trust delivered a very informative session about the life cycle of trout, the conditions they need to survive and then left us with the new members of our class! We can't wait for the eggs to hatch and turn into alevin - which are tiny and will still be attached to their yolk sacs. Once they have fully absorbed their yolk sacs, our alevins will transform into fry. A few weeks later, we will be releasing them into the River Douglas! We are very excited! 

No Outsiders - Spring 1

In our 'No Outsiders' work, Year 3 read the story 'Beegu' by Alexis Deacon. This tale about Beegu, an alien who crash-lands on our planet, who is all alone, tries to find friendship and comfort - but only the little people seem to understand her. Using this as a stimulus, we explored behaviours that could make others feel like outsiders. We discussed how Beegu would want to be treated by others and how we could make her feel welcome.  

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No Outsiders - Spring 2

In our 'No Outsiders' work, Year 3 read the story 'The Truth About Old People' and identified the stereotypes that were used about elderly people and how they were challenged in the book.
We thought about other stereotypes that exist, that we might hear, and discussed the best thing we could do - say it's not true!
Using the book as a stimulus, the children thought of a stereotype and drew their response...

Yoga Festival

We enjoyed a yoga and mindfulness session with Tanya from South Ribble Sports Partnership...

Block 3 - Have a look at our 'Knowledge Organisers' to see what we're learning...

 Year 3 - Computing - Email.pdfDownload
 Year 3 - Computing - Touch Typing.pdfDownload
 Year-3 - Art - Craft & Design.pdfDownload
 Year-3 - French - Food Glorious Food.pdfDownload
 Year-3 - History - Stone Age, Bronze Age & Iron Age.pdfDownload
 Year-3 - Music - Ballads.pdfDownload
 Year-3 - Science - Rocks and Soils.pdfDownload
Showing 1-7 of 7

Art - Ancient Egyptian Scrolls

We researched Ancient Egyptian art and made our own papyrus paper, on which we drew and painted our own Ancient Egyptian designs.

Science - Rocks and Soils

We have had fun making observations of rocks, testing their properties and classifying them. We have learnt how fossils are formed and enjoyed making examples of our own cast and mould fossils.

Dodgeball Festival

We enjoyed a dodgeball tournament, led by Andy from South Ribble - such fun! There were some great skills displayed by the children!

Trout in the classroom

100 trout eggs have been placed in our care to grow and nurture! The River Ribble Trust delivered a very informative session about the life cycle of trout, the conditions they need to survive and then left us with the new members of our class! We can't wait for the eggs to hatch and turn into alevin - which are tiny and will still be attached to their yolk sacs. Once they have fully absorbed their yolk sacs, our alevins will transform into fry. A few weeks later, we will be releasing them into the River Douglas! We are very excited! 

No Outsiders - Spring 1

In our 'No Outsiders' work, Year 3 read the story 'Beegu' by Alexis Deacon. This tale about Beegu, an alien who crash-lands on our planet, who is all alone, tries to find friendship and comfort - but only the little people seem to understand her. Using this as a stimulus, we explored behaviours that could make others feel like outsiders. We discussed how Beegu would want to be treated by others and how we could make her feel welcome.  

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Block 2 - Have a look at our 'Knowledge Organisers' to see what we're learning...

 Year 3 - Computing - Spreadsheets.pdfDownload
 Year 3 DT - Constructing Castles.pdfDownload
 Year 3 French -All about me.pdfDownload
 Year 3 Geography - Why do people live near volcanoes.pdfDownload
 Year 3 Music - Vikings.pdfDownload
 Year 3 Science - Forces and magnets.pdfDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

Science - forces and magnets

We have been busy investigating the effects of friction, learning about the behaviour of magnets, discovering which magnets are the strongest and how magnets are used in everyday life. 

DT - constructing castles

We have investigated stable structures, made 3D shapes, learnt about the features of castles and used our knowledge and skills to design and make our own castles. They are fantastic!


We have been busy elves creating delicious Christmas Pudding treats to sell at our Christmas Fayre. We even made the packaging! We were visited by GBA who gave us lots of tips for creating our own business and making a profit! We sold out of our product and made over £80 profit!! 

Remembrance Week

During Remembrance Week, Year 3 have been learning about events leading up to and during the early days of World War Two. They read a book called ‘The Little Ships’, which told the story of a girl, in May 1940, who was so determined to help her father, that she disguised herself as a boy to blend in with the men who formed an incredible, legendary armada of ships as they sailed to Dunkirk from ports in England across the Channel. From Dunkirk’s beaches, they helped to rescue over 300,000 British and French soldiers who were trapped by the Germans. The little ships ferried hungry and exhausted soldiers across the dangerous shallow waters to the bigger ships of the British Royal Navy.

We wrote in role as the young girl about her experiences on her boat, called ‘The Lucy’. We also wrote in role as the soldiers that were rescued to thank the brave and selfless sailors who joined the rescue effort known as Operation Dynamo.

We acted out the 46 mile  journey to Dunkirk from Dover in our little ships, thinking about how challenging and scary the rescue was, with the German Luftwaffe flying overhead. We also made the little ships using origami techniques.

No Outsiders - Autumn 2

 “I know I can't change the way I look. But maybe, just maybe, people can change the way they see.”

In our ‘No Outsiders’ lesson, Year 3 have explored the story ‘We’re ALL Wonders. This is the unforgettable tale of August Pullman, an ordinary boy with an extraordinary face. It shows readers what it's like to live in Auggie's world - a world in which he feels like any other kid, but he's not always seen that way. We identified the characters in the book who were bystanders and were witnessing the unkind behaviour of others towards Auggie. We role-played how we could use our pupil voice to speak up for Auggie. Year 3 were outraged at the way Auggie had been treated and they used their pupil voice incredibly to defend him.

Block 1 - Have a look at our 'Knowledge Organisers' to see what we're learning...

 Year 3 - Knowledge Organiser - Coding & Online Safety.pdfDownload
 Year 3 Knowledge Organiser- French - Getting-to-know-you.pdfDownload
 Year 3 Knowledge Organiser-What-did-the-ancient-Egyptians-believe.pdfDownload
 Year 3 Music Knowledge Organiser- Composition-Mountains.pdfDownload
 Year-3 Knowledge Organiser Science - movement-and-nutrition.pdfDownload
 Yr-3-Knowledge Organiser Drawing.pdfDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

French - 'Getting to Know You'

In our first French unit of work - ‘Getting to Know You’ - we have learnt how to greet each other, exchange names and ages, ask how someone is and how to say French Numbers 1-10. We've had lots of fun!

History - What did the Ancient Egyptians believe?

As part of our History unit, we worked in groups to create huge timelines showing the dates of the different Ancient Egyptian kingdoms. 

Science - Animals: Movement & Nutrition

We can name the three key functions of the skeleton and recall the key features of a vertebrate, invertebrate, endoskeleton and exoskeleton. We made split-pin human skeletons and can describe the role of joints in the skeleton.

Art - Drawing: Growing artists

We have been learning to:

  • Know the difference between organic and geometric shapes.
  • Use simple shapes to form the basis of a detailed drawing.
  • Use shading to demonstrate a sense of light and dark in our work.
  • Shade with a reasonable degree of accuracy and skill.
  • Blend tones smoothly and follow the four shading rules.
  • Collect a varied range of textures using frottage.
  • Use tools competently, being willing to experiment.
  • Generate ideas mostly independently and make decisions to compose an interesting frottage image.
  • Make considered cuts and tears to create their ideas.
  • Understand how to apply tone, with some guidance about where to use it.
  • Draw a framed selection of an image onto a large scale with some guidance.
  • Try a range of drawing materials, beginning to demonstrate expressive marks by trying tools in an interesting way. 

As a final piece, we worked as a class to produce a large scale flower inspired by the style of Georgia O'Keeffe.

Hello Yellow Day

Piccolos have been supporting Young Minds today and thinking about the importance of having a great buddy on hand to support someone who is struggling with their mental health. We know that people can feel less alone when they have someone they can turn to for help. We also practised feather blowing to encourage calming & mindfulness.

Celebrating Black History Month

Piccolos have enjoying finding out about Martin Luther King. We have learnt how he led peaceful protests and gave powerful speeches in his quest to ensure that people should be treated equally whatever the colour of their skin. We were inspired by his determined approach to fight for equal rights, and the real difference he made.

Basketball Festival - Autumn 1

We enjoyed learning and developing our basketball skills with Dave from South Ribble in our first PE festival this year. We had such a fantastic time!

No Outsiders - Autumn 1

In our ‘No Outsiders’ work, Year 3 have explored the concept of discrimination. We read ‘This is Our House’ and discussed how one of the characters showed discrimination towards other children. We thought about one thing that made us ourselves and wrote this on a label. Then, through role play, we reflected on how it would feel if someone wouldn’t let us into their home because of this label. We then designed posters with the title, ’This is our school’ to show that everyone is welcome in our school and that there are definitely no outsiders!