Tiny Treasures
The Tiny Treasures are the youngest class in our school. We are a group of, three and four year old's who love to play and have fun. We learn the most when we are leading our own learning- play is serious business!
In our class you will meet our teacher, Mrs Veevers and our wonderful teaching assistants Miss Blundell, Mrs Cross and Miss Latham
Settling In to Nursery Life
Me and My Community.
The first of our Topics was all about us and where we live. We thought about who lives with us and what our house looks like as well. We then looked at our school and who is in our school, we then thought about what is on the road near our school.
Who Is the Tallest? Who is the Shortest?
We really enjoyed measuring each other!
Nursery Rhymes!
We just love to sing and dance in Tiny Treasures. We thought about what our favourite Nursery Rhyme is and used our fine motor skills to paint a picture of it.
Black History Day
As part of Black History Month, Tiny Treasures looked at the Story Handa's Suprise. We though about what was different and was was similar to our lives in the UK. We then had a go at carrying a basket on our heads just like Handa did in the story. It was very tricky!
Snowflakes, Snowflakes!
We just love getting creative in Nursery. We have looked at the colours you see in the winter months and have used these colours to decorate snowflakes
Christmas In Tiny Treasures
Tiny Treasures had a great time at the Christmas party. We loved playing with the balloons, played pass the parcel and corners. We even had a special visit from Father Christmas!
Spring 1 Topic The big freeze
This term in Tiny Treasures we are focusing on winter. We will be asking what does winter mean? what happens to the animals in the winter? what is winter like in another country?
We will be having lots of fun exploring and finding out about this.
We are getting so clever writing our names in the snow!
Subitising fun!
In Tiny Treasures we have been looking at subitising. This means saying the amount just by looking instead of counting. We ask 'what do you see?' instead of how many?
Snow Day!
We were all so excited to come into school, because it has been snowing!
Lots of us brought our wellies so we all spent the morning exploring the snow. We made snowballs to throw and snowmen. some of us marvelled at the coldness of the snow and wondered what was making it melt. We had so much fun!
We have been learing about what the word Migration means. We have found out that some birds migrate in the winter time. They fly to where it is warner in South Africa.
We played a game where we had to battle to fly as a flock of birds to South Africa by choosing cards which either helped us on our way or hindered us!
This helped us to understand the challenges the birds face when migrating from bad weather, to lack of food or preditors.
Penguins, Penguins, Penguins!
We are getting so clever in Nursery using scissors to make a penguin
Balancing and Jumping
We had so much fun learning how to balance and jump safely