Tarleton Community Primary School

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Welcome to Trumpets Class. We are hardworking bunch of 30 learners supported in our work by Mr Glaister, Mrs Potter, Mrs Cookson and Mrs Nelson. On Tuesday afternoons we are taught by the wonderful Mrs Potter and Mrs Cookson and on Thursday afternoons we have PSHE and RE with the fantastic Mrs Wren and Mrs Moores.

P.E. day is Monday and currently we're working on our dance skills!

For homework, we are set reading, spelling practice and times tables practice on a Friday to be handed in the following Friday. Parents and carers are expected to sign and date each homework book three times to show we’ve done it all! Then we can get a gold coin for our efforts!


No Outsiders

Year 5's No Outsiders text this week was, "and Tango Makes Three". This is  the story of two male penguins (Roy and Silo) who couple up and go through the motions of trying to hatch a baby, using a rock. Their keeper, takes an one of two eggs, laid by a couple who have never successfully raised two chicks, and gives it to Roy and Silo. They care for the egg and it hatches, baby Tango is born! We discussed how different countries and people around the world have banned the book and expressed our own opinions on how we felt about that. We then wrote our own stories to illustrate how families that are "different" are actually very similar. 


For the remainder of Year 5, we are lucky enough to be having Quiddich lessons! Every Friday we can we be seen flying around on our broomsticks*, hitting quaffles and dodging bludgers! 


*Please note, no actual broomsticks are used in these sessions. Sadly. 

Block 6 learning

Please find below the knowledge organisers for Block 6. 

World Environment Day!

On World Environment Day we studied the 17 UN Global Sustainability Goals and discussed how different people/groups could have an impact on achieving these goals by 2030. We also had an amazing drama workshop where we learned about different types of energy, climate change and biodiversity loss. 

Cricket with South Ribble!

We thoroughly enjoyed our cricket with Mr Hankin! 

Block 5 learning

Please find below the knowledge organisers for Block 5 of our Year 5 curriculum. 


Science Week 2024

For Science week we were paired up with Y5 from Lostock Hall. Our focus was to look at famous scientists and discover how their work had influenced each other and how they had similarities. We used this information to create either a poster or leaflet. Please see some examples of our work below.

World Book Day 2024

We had a fantastic World Book Day kicked off my Mrs Bruzzese and the Reading Ambassadors with their amazing assembly in the hall. We then read our whole-school focus text of The Oak Tree by Julia Donaldson and using pictures from the book and a WAGOLL from Mr G we wrote our own descriptions. Then, we looked into why British ancient woodland is so important, what the threats to it are and how we can help. Using this information we made a three-part poster to inform others.

No Outsiders

For our No Outsiders unit this week, Trumpets class read, How To Heal A Broken Wing by Bob Graham. In the story, a boy called Jim saves and nurses to health a pigeon with a broken wing that everyone else had simply walked past. We discussed this through the theme of empathy. We then talked about how people can have “broken wings” and how we could help someone in this situation. Then we wrote these ideas on the fingers of a hand template and stuck them as the wing on our own pigeons. 

Block 4 learning 

Please find below the knowledge organisers for Block 4 of our Year 5 curriculum. 

No Outsiders

For No Outsiders this week, Trumpets class read the book Mixed by Arree Chung. In the book Red, Yellow and Blue all start off together but when Red declares, “Red is best!” Things start to unravel as Yellow challenges this and Blue does nothing. The colours end up living in separate parts of the city until a Yellow and a Blue fall in love and have a baby... GREEN! This opens the eyes of the colours to how amazing it is to mix and how life is more vibrant when it’s full of variety. We linked this to real life racism and discussed how to challenge it safely when we encounter it. 

Block 3 learning

Please find below the knowledge organisers for Block 3 of our learning. 


Anti-Bullying Day

For Anti-Bullying Day today, Trumpets Class discussed how bullying is different to someone being unkind or unpleasant. We talked about STOP - Several Times On Purpose as being a good way to differentiate bulling from unkind behaviour with the addition that there is often an imbalance of power (size, age, group etc.)
We also discussed how bullying can make someone who is a victim of it feel - anxious, sad, upset, worthless - and how it was important to be a good friend and have some people in our lives that we could tell if we were worried about bullying.
We then completed some activities linked to these ideas on Purple Mash


We are lucky enough to have Boxercise this half term! We started this week and learned important skills like a boxer's stance and the importance of technique over force. 

Remembrance Week

For Remembrance Week 2023, Trumpets Class focused on WW1. We looked into the origins of the war, discussed and created our own propaganda posters and learned about the horrors of trench warfare.


Please find below the Knowledge Organisers for Block 2 of our curriculum :) 

No Outsiders

For No Outsiders this week, Trumpets class read the story of Rose Blanche. In the story Rose finds a concentration camp and sneaks food to the children who are imprisoned inside. We used the text to discuss how we can justify our actions and how Rose had to justify a difficult decision to risk her life to help others. We also asked the question - are some actions unjustifiable? We then wrote a letter in role as Rose to a friend, telling them what we are doing and justifying the reasons why it was worth the risk.


For Hello Yellow Day 2023, Trumpets Class firstly looked at the Young Minds website https://www.youngminds.org.uk/ and discussed how in life, everyone has ups and downs that are part of life but there can be times when we feel down about a certain event or just for a long period and if that happens there are places and people we can go to for help. We then designed our perfect friend, completed a word search of good ideas to help our mental and finally did some mindfulness colouring! 

Black History Day

For Black History Day, Trumpets class learned about Jackie Robinson. Jackie Robinson was a black person who grew up in the USA in a time where segregation and discrimination were the norm. However, Jackie challenged the status quo and overcame barriers (not without a struggle) to become the first black baseball player to play for a major league team. He went on to be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame and left a legacy of challenging inequality and standing up for what is right in a peaceful way. 

No Outsiders

For our No Outsiders this week, Year 5 read the book, Kenny Lives With Erica and Martina by Olly Pike. This book is all about acceptance and consequences. When Kenny's colourful new neighbours move in, his grey neighbourhood doesn't accept them and tries to block them out with a wall. Kenny, with the help of his friends, takes the wall down but sadly his colourful neighbours have left. However he rebuilds it as a welcoming sign should they ever want to return. We then made our own welcoming walls!

Our Curriculum!

Please find below the knowledge organisers for our first block of learning :)