Tarleton Community Primary School

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Welcome to Trumpets!

Welcome to Trumpets Class. We are hardworking bunch of 28 learners supported in our work by Mr Glaister & Mrs Potter. We need our P.E. kits in school on Mondays when we do P.E. with the West Lancs Sports Partnership. On Friday afternoons we are taught R.E. by the wonderful Mrs Higson.

A big thank you to our parents, carers and people from home for helping us with our spellings, reading and Times Tables Rock Stars homework which is set on Fridays. 

We know that mistakes happen when we learn and we take a Growth Mindset approach to learning – keep putting in the effort and learning from mistakes and we will succeed! We know the power of the word YET!

To look at the Key Learning Documents appropriate to our time in Upper Key Stage Two, please click here. To look at our theme map please click here, then click on the picture under Upper Key Stage 2.


Knowledge Organiser - We Are Detectives

Please find below the knowledge organiser for our Summer 2 theme - We Are Detectives!

Prince Phillip

This week we have been writing letters of condolence to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on the occasion of the death of her husband Prince Phillip. We learned about his life and his good works alongside the features of a formal letter. We hope to send these letters to Queen Elizabeth with the wish that they can bring her some comfort in this awful time. 


"Mental Elf" & Enterprise

This week Christmas has arrived at TCP! We took part in a "Mental Elf" danceathon for the charity Lancashire Mind who help families and young people in Lancashire, working on mental health. Thank you to everyone who was able to send in a donation. In addition, Trumpets Class have set up their own Christmas company "Trumpmas Inc"! We worked through the brainstorming of branding, names, logos, onto market research, understanding profit and loss, creating prototypes and finally on to the making stage of our Christmas tree ornaments. We just need to give them a few finishing touches and then they'll be off to their new homes. Thank you to those who are able to purchase these and give to the school. 

No Outsiders - My Princess Boy

This week Trombones, Trumpets and Xylophones have read the book "My Princess Boy" as part of our work with the No Outsiders curriculum. The book is about a boy who likes to wear dresses and how he is supported by his mum, dad, brother and school. We discussed how Dyson (the princess boy) represents diversity and how we live in a diverse country. We talked about how what somebody chooses to wear doesn't reflect what is important about them but is a part of them expressing their identity. It came up in discussion that Dyson could be gay, or he could just be a boy who likes wearing dresses. We generated ways we could make Dyson feel welcome at our school and created displays to celebrate diversity.


On 20th November Trumpets class were very fortunate in that we were able to learn and play Quidditch! Sadly, we didn't get to ride broomsticks but we did get sorted into Hogwarts Houses and play with Quaffles, Bludgers and a Golden Snitch (a.k.a Mr G!) The rain didn't dampen our spirits and we had a great time learning the rules and playing the games. Big thank you to all involved in making this happen. 


This week (16th November) has been Anti-Bullying week at TCP. In Trumpets, we have considered how being bullied makes someone feel and discussed the potential long-lasting effects of being bullied. We have had a class debate over key issues in bullying and given advice to people who are in a bullying situation. Please see photos of some of our activities below. 


This week has been Remembrance Week in school. We have been learning about the War Poets and writing our own poems. In Theme, we have foccussed on code breakers and the invaluable work of Alan Turing, including how he was treated after his hard work. 

Listen below to our class singing Abide With Me. 

Black History Assembly

As part of Black History Month, Trumpets looked at the former NBA player turned psychologist John Amaechi. He recently recorded a few videos about the treatment of black people including discussions about white privilege and the difference between being anti-racist and not racist. These videos were a great stimulus for discussion in class. 

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zrvkbqt - white privilege

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zs9n2v4 - not racist vs. anti-racist 

Hello Yellow Mental Health Day!

On Friday 9th October we took part in Hello Yellow Mental Health Day and all wore yellow for a donation to charity. We talked about mental health and designed our own mental health superheroes. Please see our pictures below :) 

"120 Challenge" European School Sports Day

Today Trumpets took part in the 120 Challenge to have 120 minutes of exercise in one day! We GoNoodled our socks off and did our usual playing at playtimes and lunchtime. In the afternoon Mrs Higson lead us through more activities and as a school we Go Noodled again over our Celebration Assembly. Phew! We're exhausted!

A Kingdom United!

Our first theme this year is A Kingdom United! We will take a look at the Geography of the United Kingdom and delve deep into the past as far as Anglo-Saxon times to discover how our Kingdom came to be United!