Tarleton Community Primary School

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Welcome to Cello's Class Page

Our teacher this year is Mrs Marshall. Our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Taylor.

There are 20 enthusiastic, kind, hard working superstars in our class! You will also get to meet Berty Bear and Betsy Bunny if you work hard and try your very best. 

We are developing a Growth mindset and our motto this year is 'I can, can, can'. We are not afraid to make mistakes as we know we can learn from them. We believe anything is possible and in Cello class we are all Superhero learners. 

We always start our busy day with a English or Maths morning challenge to get ourselves ready for learning.

 Our Maths homework is online using 'My Maths'. We appreciate all the support from parents and grandparents who help us practise our spellings and hear us read so we can become even cleverer!




Summer term


Science Week

We have had a great fun filled busy Science week where we were learning all about 'The Human Animal'. We have learnt about our brain and how it works and focussed on our 5 senses.

We enjoyed a session from Relax Kids who taught us that we have 3 special parts to our brain, the elephant part which is where we store our memories, the owl part which we use for thinking and learning and a meerkat part of the brain which is used for emotions. We learnt some strategies for keeping calm if our meerkat brain gets a little worried or anxious. 

We found Mr Rhodes talk about his brain injury fascinating. We think he is a superhero.

We enjoyed taking part in lots of different scientific experiments. We tasted jellybeans with our eyes closed and holding our noses to see if we could still identify the flavour. We tested our memories by playing Kim's game. We now know how important exercise is for our brain. We enjoyed doing brain break exercises and our Wake up Shake up exercises to keep us alert. We tested to see how long we could balance on one leg and also tested our reaction times. We carried out a smell test and found out our noses know. We had to smell lots of different scents and match up 2 smells that were the same and identify what they were. 

We enjoyed taking part in the Supertasters investigation. We put blue food colouring on our tongue and then counted how many pink bumps we had on our tongue to find out if we were a non-taster, a taster or a supertaster. 15% of our class were supertasters. 

We loved coming to school on Friday dressed in our Science costumes and we looked fantastic. 


Sports Day

We all enjoyed a fun afternoon in the sun on our Sports Day. Our races included running, skipping, sack race, egg and spoon, beanbag throw, and bouncy hoppers. 

Everyone was amazing and all tried their best. 


Design & Technology - Puppets


We all enjoyed designing and making our sock puppets. We practised different techniques for fastening and joining materials such as gluing, sellotape, stapling and sewing, which we are all getting really good at. Once we made our puppets, we evaluated them to say what we would improve if we made them again. 

Have a look at the photos of our brilliant sock puppets!

Celebration of Childhood 22.5.18


On Tuesday 22nd May we enjoyed a fun filled day of special activities to remember beautiful

Saffie - Rose.

We went pond dipping, danced, met some animals, played team games and baked cakes. We enjoyed the sunshine and ate our lunch outside followed by a yummy ice cream. 


Our swimming lessons

Every Friday morning we love going for our swimming lessons at Tarleton Academy. We walk there and back so are getting lots of exercise. Our swimming skills are getting fantastic, we have all made lots of progress since we started going in the Autumn term. Some of us now swim in the deep end, some us no longer need armbands, some of us have overcome our fear of jumping in. All the adults who take us swimming and our swimming teachers are very proud of us. Each week children are awarded a certificate for who is the Star Swimmer in their group. We also enjoy eating biscuits when we have returned to school after our swimming! 


Hunting for Minibeasts



As part of our Science work we have been learning about Minibeasts and have enjoyed making a bug hotel and looking for creatures that live under the soil. We also had fun having a treasure hunt in our School Garden.


The Wind in the Willows


Our theme this half term is 'The Wind in the Willows'. So far we have been learning about habitats, and enjoyed making 3D habitat boxes based on the Wind in the Willows. We worked well in our groups developing our team work further. 



Minibeast Investigation Lab


Our role play this half term is a Minibeast Investigation Lab based on our theme Wind in the Willows, where we will be learning lots about Minibeasts and habitats. Caution dangerous minibeasts, safety goggles must be warn at all times!



Spring term


DT - Making salads


As part of our theme this half term, 'The Farm Shop' we made healthy, colourful salads. We designed, chopped, tasted and evaluated our salads. 



Maths Day

We had a funfilled day of Maths, enjoying solving problems. We solved a problem called 'Bean bag buckets', where we had fun throwing bean bags into buckets and working out all the different score possibilities and finding the highest score. 

We also solved a problem called 'Farmyard chaos'. We had to help the farmer count his animals just by the number of legs.

We enjoyed lots of different maths activities throughout the afternoon.

Some of us were able to show our mums and grandmas our work and got them to throw beanbags too! Then we went on our outdoor Maths trail.



Christianity - Easter


We enjoyed a day out at the Christian Centre on Wednesday 14th March. Mrs Hawksley and her helpers at the Church re-enacted the Easter story. Some of us helped by pretending to be the 12 disciples. We sang Easter songs and had a circle time reflecting about forgiveness. We also made our Easter cards, played games and had our lunch there.



Daily Mile

We have just introduced the Daily Mile at TCP to help get us more physically active and work towards us achieving our 30 minutes of vigorous daily exercise. It is lots of fun, we chat to our friends, get fresh air, have a break from afternoon lessons and get fit! Mrs Marshall joins in too!

Wake Up Shake Up

Another way we are becoming more physically active is every morning we are loving doing our 'Wake Up Shake Up' fitness videos. We use http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/supermovers or https://www.gonoodle.com.

They are lots of fun, we are learning Maths and English at the same time as we can dance to our times tables or alphabet for example. 



Our dance show

On Wednesday 7th March we were very excited to perform at the Tarleton Academy Performing Arts Festival. We danced to 'Zoom, zoom, zoom we are going to the moon'. We were the youngest performers but we were very brave and were amazing! We loved it and want to go on stage again. Everyone was very proud of us.

Unfortunately we have not got any photos of us on stage, but we have backstage photos of how we kept ourselves entertained and occupied for 3 hours. After our rehearsals, we had a picnic tea, sang songs, did colouring and drawing, and played lots of Simon Says. 


World Book Day

We all looked amazing dressed up as David Walliam's characters. Our focus story for World Book Day was 'When I grow up'. We liked sharing stories and enjoyed Mr Glaister coming to read a story to us, with Mrs Marshall going to read a story to Year 3/4. 

We are looking forward to our parents having to read to us each night this week!

The Farm Shop


This half term our theme is 'The Farm Shop' so we are enjoying playing in our Farm Shop role play.


As part of our Science we are learning about seeds and growing plants. We have planted sunflower seeds, cress seeds, broad beans and mung beans. We are observing them carefully and watering them well. The sunflower seeds and mung beans have already started to grow.

 Darwin Day

We enjoyed Darwin Day on Friday 9th February. Our focus this year was on Marine Life.  We found it very interesting learning about the zones of the ocean; sunlight zone, twilight zone and midnight zone. We became very knowledgeable about fish and mammals. We put our recent Non-fiction expertise into action and worked in groups to make factsheets about different sea creatures, using headings, captions, labelled diagrams, and did you know facts?

Safer Internet Day

As part of our work on Safer Internet day, we listened to a story about 3 little monsters. They had been asked by their teacher to create a group picture. Their pictures were put online to be judged. Unfortunately, someone uploaded a mean comment about one of the pictures. We talked about what you should do if this was to happen and how it would make you feel. To follow this up we worked together to make our own pictures. We looked at each others but were only allowed to make positive comments about them so we all felt happy. 

We also made our own digital footprints, to help us to understand what we do on the Internet leaves a trace. We discussed how to keep ourselves safe online and made a helping hand of 5 trusted adults we could tell if we had a problem online.


We are enjoying learning the choreography for our Space dance. These photographs show us learning our choreography with Miss Murray from WLSP. We are excited to be performing at the Arts Festival at Tarleton Academy on 7th March. We have lots of practising to do. Have a sneaky peak!

Zoom, zoom, zoom, We're going to the moon...


RE - Judaism

We have been enjoying learning all about the Jewish people and the Shabbat meal on their day of rest. We pretended to have our own Shabbat meal. 

Purple Mash

This half term we have used the Purple Mash tool '2create a story'. We have combined words, pictures, sounds and animation to create our own fantastic Space stories. 



We enjoyed tasting some real freeze dried Astronaut food. We tasted strawberries and ice cream. We are glad we are not real Astronauts as we were not very impressed! 

Our theme this half term is Explorers. We have been learning about Christopher Columbus the famous explorer and had great fun making his Santa Maria ship using junk modelling, we labelled all the parts of the ship too. 



Our Polar Explorer role play area


Design and Technology


We are had fun planning and designing our own moon buggies. We have worked well as a team to make a moon buggy out of lego and have designed and labelled a moon buggy that we would like to create. We worked as a team to make our moon buggies out of recycled materials, and using proper wooden wheels and axles. We loved using the junior hacksaw, we were very careful and skilful. 



British Fundamental Values


Our PSHE this half term is learning Fundamental British Values. We had great fun understanding about Democracy and knowing the importance of working together as a team. 

We took part in a whole class hula hoop challenge. We had to hold hands in a circle and find a way of moving the hoop around the circle without letting go of hands.

Initially we found this tricky but we all showed great growth mind set and determination. We also demonstrated excellent concentration, kindness, patience and of course team work. We even managed a 2 hoop challenge!

We also learned about Rule of Law, learning all about the job of the Police and how they help us. We know that we all have the right to make our own choices. We understand that everyone is different and that we are all good at different things because we are learning to be more tolerant. We can show respect for our world and our country.

Autumn term 


Our Christmas Party

We had a great time at our Christmas party. We enjoyed dancing, playing party games, yummy party food, pass the parcel and a special visit from Father Christmas.


Enterprise Week

During Enterprise Week we had great fun setting up and running our own company. We decided to call our company 'The Red Nose Reindeers' and we all designed a logo, before voting upon our favourite. We enjoyed a visit from our Dragon, Mrs Brookes from Jollie's Barn who helped us with ideas for our logo, company name, product ideas and advertising. 


We were busy designing and making lots of great reindeer products to sell on our stall at the Christmas Fair. We made fantastic handmade reindeer Christmas cards and gift tags, magical sparkly reindeer food, yummy reindeer rocky road and we also had a fun game for everyone to enjoy, 'Stick the red nose on the reindeer'. We made £125 profit and were all very proud of ourselves. 


National Christmas Jumper Day

Have a look at our classroom.



Fighting Fit


Our theme for Autumn 2 is called 'Fighting Fit.' We will be learning about healthy eating, the importance of exercise and hygiene. We will learn about medicine safety and how medicines can be useful when we are ill but also harmful if not used properly. 

As part of our new theme we have an exciting and fun Vet role play. 




Remembrance Week


We all enjoyed learning about Remembrance Week and evacuees. The children produced some excellent writing during the week. They described how they would have felt to be an evacuee, what they would have packed in their suitcase and which cuddly toy they would have chosen to take with them. We filmed ourselves acting out waving goodbye and the train journey to the countryside. As you will agree, all the children looked fantastic when they came to school dressed as an evacuee.




Where we live...


Our theme this half term is 'Where we live'. As part of our work for this we enjoyed a walk to our local playground and our local woods. We had a great time looking for signs of Autumn also linked to our work on Seasonal Changes in Science. On our way we were busy identifying all the different types of houses we live in such as detached, semi-detached and bungalow. We identified which was the odd and even side of the street as we looked at house numbers as we walked by. Once at the playground we concentrated really well to draw detailed maps of the play area. 



In Cello Class we all enjoy our Maths lessons which are really fun. Have a look at some of the exciting things we have been doing this half term so far. We have become experts at addition and subtraction, learning place value and measuring and weighing. We are concentrating hard to learn our number bonds to 10. We enjoyed making yummy number bond to 10 biscuits to help us remember!


We are trying to learn our number bonds to 10. So we really enjoyed a number bond disco with real disco lights in the dark! Each number bond to 10 has a dancing partner, so we created this is in our fun disco and found our number bond to 10 dance partners. 




The Jolly Postman


In our English work we have been busy reading and learning all about the story of The Jolly Postman. We enjoyed role playing the story and drew story maps. We innovated the story and wrote our own version.


In our Music this term we are learning to sing the song 'Hands, feet, heart'. We are enjoying learning to play the Glockenspiel too. 


National Outdoor Learning Day 12th October


We enjoyed returning to the Reception outdoor play area. Have a look at some of the great photos. 



Our sponsored Children In Need Ramble 





What we will be learning to do this year?

 Key Learning in Art and Design Years 1 and 2.docDownload
 Key Learning Computing Years 1 and 2.docxDownload
 Key Learning in Design and Technology in Years 1 and 2.docx.docDownload
 Key Learning in Reading in Year 1.docxDownload
 Key Learning in Writing in Year 1.docxDownload
 Key Learning in Geography Years 1 and 2.docDownload
 Key Learning in History in Years 1 and 2.docDownload
 Key Learning in Mathematics - Year 1.docxDownload
 Key Learning in Music Years 1 and 2.docDownload
 Key Learning in Physical Education - Years 1 and 2.docxDownload
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